
Aditya Gulati

ELLIS Alicante

Aditya Gulati is a PhD student at the ELLIS Unit Alicante where he is supervised by Nuria Oliver. His research is centered on human cognitive biases and AI systems and explores ways to design AI systems that are aware of human decision making fallacies. He is currently focusing on attractiveness as a bias.

Elena is a Doctoral candidate at Aalto University working on the integration of human intuitive notions of fairness into Machine Learning. In her past life, she was a software engineer on various data science teams in the U.S. and the U.K., working on projects all along the ML pipeline from data engineering to model and microservice deployment. She’s an amateur runner, tennis player, pianist, and, having recently discovered sailing, also an amateur sailor and boat mechanic.

Elena Shaw

Aalto University

Mahsa Asadi

Aalto University

Mahsa Asadi is a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University under the supervision of Prof. Samuel Kaski working on AI-assisted decision making where a human is involved focusing on the application of drug design. Prior to joining Aalto, she has done her doctorate studies at Inria - Lille, working on online and collaborative problems in particular reinforcement learning where she introduced methods to leverage structure and improve learning performance. 

Mustafa Mert Çelikok holds a PhD in Computer Science from Aalto University, advised by Professor Samuel Kaski, and with Professor Matthew Taylor as his thesis opponent. As a participant in the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems' PhD programme, he conducted a research visit to TU Delft, collaborating with Professor Frans Oliehoek. His research is primarily focused on multi-agent reinforcement learning, with a notable emphasis on human-AI collaboration. Presently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at TU Delft as part of the Hybrid Intelligence project, working with Professor Frans Oliehoek (TU Delft) and Professor Jan-Willem van de Meent (University of Amsterdam).

Mustafa Mert Çelikok

Delft University of Technology

Sammie Katt

Aalto University

Sammie Katt is a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University where he collaborates with Samuel Kaski in the probabilistic machine learning group. His current research is on collaborative AI with a focus on modeling and solving problems that require a complex understanding of the human(s) involved. Before this, he obtained his PhD from Northeastern University under the guidance of Chris Amato. During his doctoral studies, he worked on Bayesian approaches for reinforcement learning in partially observable environments where he considered exploration and inference over the dynamics of the system when the state is hidden.

Sebastiaan is a doctoral candidate in the probabilistic machine learning group at Aalto university, supervised by Samuel Kaski. His current research is on AI-assistance for humans with a focus on controllable generative modeling, collaborative AI, and cognitive modeling of human decision-making.

Sebastiaan De Peuter

Aalto University

Suyog Chandramouli

University of Alberta

Suyog Chandramouli is a postdoctoral researcher at Aalto University in the Computational Behavior Lab and a visiting researcher at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, where he works on problems in the overlap of cognitive modeling, Bayesian statistics, and Interactive AI. He received his PhD in Psychology and Cognitive science from Indiana University, Bloomington -- his thesis produced novel ways to incorporate scientific intuition into statistical inference with implications for model selection, bias mitigation, and reproducibility assessment.

Andrew Howes

University of Exeter

Professor Andrew Howes' career started at the University of Lancaster where he was trained in Computer Science and where his Ph.D. supervisor, Professor Stephen J. Payne (1986-1989), was based. Afterwards, he then moved to the MRC Applied Psychology Unit in Cambridge and to Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh where he conducted post-doctoral research on cognitive architectures under the supervision of Professor Richard M. Young (1989-1994).

He subsequently held posts at Cardiff University (Psychology) and University of Manchester (Informatics and Business), and Birmingham. He has also made sabbatical visits to NASA Ames Research Centre and during the winter of 2016, Professor Howes was the inaugural Marshall Weinberg Visiting Professor in the Department of Psychology at University of Michigan. He has recently joined the University of Exeter as the Head of Department of Computer Science in the Faculty of Environment, Science and Economy

Samuel Kaski is a professor of Computer Science at Aalto University and professor of AI in The University of Manchester. He leads the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI, ELLIS Unit Helsinki and the ELISE EU Network of AI Excellence Centres. He received the Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowship in 2021. His field is probabilistic machine learning, with applications in new kinds of collaborative AI-assistants able to work well with humans in modeling, design and decision tasks.  Application domains include computational biology and medicine, brain signal analysis, information retrieval and user modeling. Prof. Kaski is an ELLIS Fellow, UKRI Turing AI Fellow, and Turing Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute.

Samuel Kaski

Aalto University

Frans A. Oliehoek

Delft University of Technology

Dr. Frans A. Oliehoek is Associate Professor at Delft University of Technology, where he is a leader of the sequential decision making group, a scientific director of the Mercury machine learning lab, and director and co-founder of the ELLIS Unit Delft. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science (2010) from the University of Amsterdam (UvA), and held  positions at various universities including MIT, Maastricht University and the University of Liverpool.  Frans' research interests revolve around intelligent systems that learn about their environment via interaction, building on techniques from machine learning, AI and game theory. He has served as PC/SPC/AC at top-tier venues in AI and machine learning, and currently serves as associate editor for JAIR and AIJ. He is a Senior Member of AAAI, and was awarded a number of personal research grants, including a prestigious ERC Starting Grant.

Nuria Oliver is Director and one of the founders of the ELLIS Alicante Foundation. She is co-founder and vice-president of ELLIS.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, she was Commissioner to the President of the Valencian Government on AI and Data Science against COVID-19. She advises several universities, governments and companies. Previously, she was Director of Data Science Research at Vodafone, Scientific Director at Telefónica and researcher at Microsoft Research. She holds a PhD from the Media Lab at MIT and an Honorary Doctorate from the University Miguel Hernández.

She is an IEEE Fellow, and ACM Fellow, and EurAI Fellow and elected permanent member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain. She is also a member of CHI Academy and the Academia Europaea. She holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University Miguel Hernandez. She is well known for her work in computational models of human behavior, human computer-interaction, mobile computing and big data for social good. Named inventor of 40 patents. She has received many awards, including the MIT TR100 Young Innovator Award (2004), Spanish National Computer Science Award (2016), Engineer of the Year (2018), Valencian Medal to Business and Social Impact (2018), Data Scientist of the Year (2019), Jaume I Award in New Technologies (2021) and Abie Technology Leadership Award by (2021).

Nuria Oliver

ELLIS Alicante

Matthew E. Taylor

University of Alberta

Matthew E. Taylor has worked at multiple academic institutions since his PhD in 2008. He moved to Edmonton in 2017 to lead the Borealis AI lab, the artificial intelligence arm of the Royal Bank of Canada. In 2020 he returned to academia, becoming an Associate Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta. He is now also a Fellow-in-Residence at Amii, where he helps bring AI into companies around the world, and also serves as the research director at AI-Redefined, a startup working on human-AI teams in multiagent settings.