What is the length of expected submissions?

We accept full papers and short papers of 2 to 8 pages in length,  excluding references and appendices

How should my submission be formatted?

All submissions are required to be formatted in the AAAI two-column, Anonymous Submission style (see https://aaai.org/authorkit24-2 for details)

Is the review process single blind or double blind?

The review process is double blind. Please do not include author names in your submissions

Where do I submit my paper?

Our submissions are managed through OpenReview: https://openreview.net/group?id=AAAI.org/2024/Workshop/CAIHu

Is there any funding available to support students whose submissions are accepted?

We are trying to secure funding to support attendees but at this time we cannot promise that we will have such support.

Can I submit previously published work to this symposium?

Yes! There will be no proceedings, so papers that have been or will be submitted or published in other conferences or journals are also welcome.

My question is not listed here

Please reach out to us at the email address below and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have!