Call For Papers

In this bridge program, we aim to bring together members of the communities relevant to human-AI collaboration and user modeling to inspire  immediate and long-term interdisciplinary projects. This bridge will expose AI researchers to methods and advances in methods for user modeling, opening the door to solving problems with human-AI interactions. In turn, modelers outside traditional AI will be exposed to new applications, prospects, and techniques that are relevant for user models, new learning and inference techniques, as well as new potential for advances in state-of-the-art user modeling through AI techniques. This program gives an opportunity to brainstorm and discuss various visionary ideas. 

We invite submissions to the bridge program, “Collaborative AI and Modeling of Humans”, and we welcome all contributions at the intersection of these two topics. For instance: Human in the loop machine learning, cognitive robotics, human behavior modeling, inverse reinforcement learning, etc. 

Submitted papers can present original contributions, give a summary of the authors’ recent works, provide a novel perspective on how to connect the two realms, or anticipate related challenges. 

There will be no proceedings, so papers that have been or will be submitted or published in other conferences or journals are also welcome.

We accept full papers and short papers of 2 to 8 pages in length,  excluding references and appendices. Papers should use the AAAI two-column, Anonymous Submission style (see for details) and authors can submit their works through