
I regularly teach courses connecting recent history to currents political and social concerns. Syllabi for any of courses listed below available on request. 

The Great Migration(s) in the Midwest (HIST:3256)

The Great Migration(s), co-taught with Ashley Howard, examines the African American migration to Iowa and the Midwest, community formation, and the white response.  This course was developed as part of a three-year grant from the Mellon Foundation, in part devoted to student-engaged research on the African American experience in Iowa. 

History of American Inequality (HIST:3232)

History of American Inequality examines the growth in economic inequality across the last century, and its roots in public policy. 

Pandemic Politics: The COVID-19 Crisis in Historical Perspective (HIST:3220)

Pandemic Politics traces the history of social and policy responses to crisis, disaster, and public health challenges in the United States--from the 1918 flu epidemic to the COVID pandemic.

Introduction to the History Major (HIST:2151)

This is an introduction to historical methods.  Recent iterations of this class have involved students in researching racial restrictions in Iowa counties.