Interviews & Media

Links below are to recent interviews and media contributions. 

At left is a video produced by the Russell Sage Foundation, highlighting my research on racial restrictions.

Aarthi Swaminathan, “How real-estate agents and private developers created the blueprint for redlining, according to one historian,” MarketWatch (February 13, 2024); also posted at

Andrew Wind, “Racial covenants still attached to Black Hawk County homeowners' properties,” Waterloo Courier (April 10, 2022)

Jamie Hopkins, The racist history that helps explain our present wealth gap, Center for Public Integrity (March 15, 2022)

Jamie Hopkins, Fighting the wealth vortex, Center for Public Integrity (February 22, 2022); podcast version The Heist (season 2)

80% of St. Louis County homes built by 1950 have racial covenants, researcher finds, St. Louis Public Radio (January 2022)

Racial covenants, a relic of the past, are still on the books across the country, NPR All Things Considered (November 2021)

St. Louis homeowners want to get rid of racial covenants. But in Missouri, it's complicated, St. Louis Public Radio (November 2021)

30,000 St. Louis properties have racial covenants in their deeds. Your home could be one, St. Louis Public Radio (November 2021)

Historical consultant to Mapping Exclusion: Redlining in Iowa exhibit, African American Museum of Iowa (September 2021-August 2022)

Pernicious Effects of Racially Restrictive Housing Covenants Still Felt Today, St Louis on the Air, May 2021

Race in the Midwest, Thread the Needle (podcast), September 2020

Divided by Design, St Louis on the Air, November 2019

How City and School District Boundaries Separate St. Louisans, St. Louis on the Air, October 2019

The Doll Houses of St. Louis, 99 Percent Invisible (Podcast), December 2017

Consultant to “Mapping Decline,” travelling exhibit based on the book (Missouri History Museum and Missouri Humanities Council)

How Legacies of Urban Racial Segregation Shape Today's Controversies over Police Killings of Black People, Scholars Strategy Network (October 2016)

Ferguson's legacy: for blacks, empowerment amid sense of injustice, Christian Science Monitor (August 2015)

Ferguson Did Not Happen in a Vacuum, Chronicle of Higher Education, January 2015

A legacy of segregation in St. Louis, Ferguson, Al Jazeera America (December 2014)

Ferguson Before Ferguson, Columbia Journalism Review (December 2014)

The Death of Michael Brown: Racial History Behind the Ferguson Protests, New York Times (August 2014)

Tracey Meares, Ferguson's Schools Are Just as Troubling as Its Police Force, New Republic (August 2014)

The Racist Housing Policies That Helped Fuel the Anger In Ferguson, ThinkProgress (August 2014)

A Map to The Roots Of Ferguson's Civic Unrest, All Things Considered (NPR), August 2014