Why NOT?
Collaborating in international intercultural teams
Learn about latest developments in social media analysis, trend prediction, machine learning and sentiment analysis
Experience the satisfaction of creating something radically new while collaborating in a self-directed team, coached by leading researchers in the field.
It will be self-directed
This course does not give you step-by-step instructions what to do from one classroom lesson to the next. Rather, it provides a rich set of self-study materials (two text books, “Sociometrics”, and “Swarm Leadership”, YouTube video tutorials, and additional readings) and a skill list you need to do the projects (measured by in-class presentations and mid-term exams). The main role of the instructors will be to answer all your questions, and provide guidance for the project work.
It will be a lot of work
If you want to get a good grade with as little work as possible, try another course. Doing an open-ended project is always more work than anticipated.
It will be unpredictable and at times chaotic
With team members from at many different cultures (e.g. Germany, Switzerland, China, US, ...) with completely different work ethics (self-management in Germany, weekends off in Switzerland, hierarchical work style in China,...) it will ask for flexibility and tolerance from all participants.
You will have irregular hours at weekends and holidays
There will be Chinese New Year, Carnival in Cologne, Thanksgiving in the US, and holidays in the US, Switzerland and Germany, which collide with the class schedule. You might have to meet with your team members from other sites, or work to finish the tasks of your project occasionally at those times.
The course will not fit well into the local university calendar
To adjust the different starting and ending dates at German, Swiss, Chinese, and US universities, starting and ending dates will be suboptimal. Students will leave the course in the middle of the teamwork, start before others, or finish tasks such as writing the final paper when others have already left.
You will have to spend 1 to 2 hours every two weeks in full-class virtual meetings
In 5 minutes you will present the work your team, to learn from each other’s progress and mistakes, and to allow instructors to check in on what you did in the meantime.