You will be able to choose one of three types of projects, these will have different requirements regarding previous skills, and time commitment. In the past we have had teams with "free riders" who were not carrying their weight, leading to dissatisfaction and demotivation of contributing team members. We therefore encourage you to be upfront, and tell your colleagues how much work you want to invest in your project. The more you do, the more you will learn, but this also takes more time beyond the official requirements.
Skills required for the different projects are:
Software development
Web design/Information visualization
Community building/Marketing/Product design
Here you can find Tips for Groupwork.
Coolhunting Projects
Software development (medium)
Statistics (medium)
Web design (medium)
Community building (low)
Level of difficulty (low to intermediate)
Measuring the Ethics and Emotions of Tribes
Members of digital virtual tribes show their membership through their emotions in reaction to external events. For instance, depending on their ethical values, people will either react with compassion, or with anger and rejection to requests for support from refuges. Using the galaxyscope tribefinder system, build emotion tribes that will show their ethical and moral values (caring+fairness, or tradition+security) through the way they use words.
These algorithms can be used, for instance, to understand the demographics of consumer brands and products, and predict the performance of their stocks.
Prediction & Machine Learning Projects
Software development (high),
Statistics (high),
Web design (low),
Community building (low),
Level of difficulty (high)
Predicting Personality from Watching YouTube Videos
Continue the work of the Winter 20/21 COIN seminar in building a WebApp using facial emotion recognition. The idea is that when people watch YouTube videos, the emotions in their face in response to the video will reflect their personality and social and ethical values. To build the App, create a training dataset where people (the participants in this seminar) watch YouTube videos with emotional and/or divisive issues, and also enter their personality, risk attitudes, and ethical and moral values. Combine this with asking the same people to take four surveys online on the happimeter Website.
Building an AI Matchmaking System based on Honest Signals
Using the methodology of the course, create a matchmaking system that extracts features from text and other honest signals, to identify significant others from e.g. Signal/Telegram traffic or other messages. The first challenge will be to find an suitable training dataset, e.g. Tweets of known (married) couples. This is an extension of a Twitter-based system in Winter 20/21.
Measuring the Happiness of Plants
Develop a plant sensing system using electric sensors which is capable of tracking the perception of plants and their communication with their environment measuring their signalling in their chemical and physical communication gateways. We measure the action potential of Mimosa Pudica and Codariocalyx Motorius as well as ordinary houseplants to track human-plant interaction using the spiker box and other hardware.
Measuring Emotions of Dogs and Horses through their Body Language
Extend the facial emotion reading system for dogs and horses, developed in previous COINs seminars, to build a system on Android that labels the emotions of dogs or horses that you look at, based on their body language. You will have to collect libraries of labeled pictures of dogs or horses, where experts will have to agree on the emotion of the animal. For instance a wagging tail of a dog is correlated with joy.
Measuring Emotions in Zoom Meetings
Build an emotion tracking system based on facial emotion recognition and give feedback to meeting participants about how they feel during the zoom meeting. Additionally there is also the smartphone "meeting balancer" who measures who is talking (too much). The goal is to create a happier and more engaged meeting environment.
Measuring Emotions through Brainwaves
In a project jointly with Maison Du Futur, a collaborative of performing artists, we will develop a system that will give augmented reality feedback to the observer of a performance based on the brainwaves of the observer. We will be using the Emotiv Brainwear Insight headset to read the brainwaves while observing the performance, and then adjust audience feedback accordingly.