Key Dates
Dates Lucerne
Time: Thursday, 16.15-17.45 German time, Duration 1,5 hours
Feb 25 - overview & intro
March 4 - Griffin lab
March 11 - student presentations
March 18 - student groupflow presentations and project setup
March 25 - project status
April 8 - project status
April 29 - project status
Dates Cologne & Bamberg
Virtual Setup Meeting
A zoom link will be sent to pre-registered students for this meeting, which is virtual and can be attended from anywhere
Tuesday, April 13, 15-16.00 German/9-10.00 AM Boston time (zoom recording)
Block Course
Will be done virtually for both Cologne and Bamberg (information for pre-work given below)
Monday, May 3, 14-17.00
Team Project Overview
Overview Griffin
12 Presentations Griffin-analysis mailbox + Twitter
Tuesday, May 4, 10-17.00
12 Presentations Griffin-analysis mailbox + Twitter
Wednesday, May 5, 10-14.00
12 Presentations Griffin-analysis mailbox + Twitter
Team Project Selection
Virtual Meetings
Time: Tuesday, 15-17.00 German/9-11 AM Boston time, Duration 2 hours
May 11 - project status (zoom recording)
May 18 - project status (zoom recording)
June 1 - virtual mirror (zoom recording)
June 8 - project status (zoom recording)
June 22 - project status (zoom recording)
July 6 - project status (zoom recording)
July 20 - final presentation (zoom recording)
Final Paper Due: Aug 13
Pre-Work for Block Course Cologne & Bamberg
Read Peter Gloor's new "groupflow" manuscript, and be prepared for in-class discussion in the block course. Choose a topic for presentation in the block course.
Complete an online social media analysis on Twitter of your choice with Griffin.
Complete a virtual mirroring/e-mail analysis, analyzing your own mailbox with Griffin.
Take the personality, ethics, morals, risk taking tests on the Happimeter Web site (FFI, Dospert, Schwartz, Moral, you need to register/login on the Happimeter Website first to be able to take the tests) (this will be needed for later analysis in the virtual mirror).
For Cologne &Bamberg students, in the virtual setup meeting on April 13, the instructors will answer your questions regarding these topics. In the block course, be prepared to present in 3-5 minutes, and using 4-6 Powerpoint slides each, the virtual mirror of your mailbox, and the results of the Twitter coolhunting of your topic of choice.
Here are links to the Hillary_Clinton and Enron E-Mail dataset for analyzing it with Griffin in case you can not access your own mailbox.
Link to intro slide deck