unpackaged wholefood

Click on the link below to see our current price list. Please note, that with uncertainties around our departure from the European Union and the arrangements for importing goods, prices may fluctuate. Please use this as a guide, we will endeavour to keep it updated. If you would like to confirm a price, please email cogscoventry@gmail.com

We buy in the highest quality food with EU certification which guarantees it is free of pesticides and man-made chemical fertilisers. Sometimes we have non-organic foods in... please ask for clarification on individual products.

COGs May 2022 Food Pricelist.pdf
Herbs and Spices Prices Sept-Dec 20.pdf

Paul's Organic Tofu: we stock unpackaged, organic tofu made by Paul's in Leicestershire... arrives on Thursday mornings each week. You can reserve yours! £2.50 / 220g

Clicking on this link will take you to our stock list and our herbs and spices
