click and collect

You can email your order through to COGs and we will prepare it for you to collect at your convenience.

                  • download the shopping list document (below)

                  • edit this with your order and save the document

                  • email your shopping list to

                  • we'll send you a confirmation and payment details

This link will take you to an editable shopping.

Please note that prices may change.

If you would like to drop your own boxes off for refill... we can do that too! Again, collect or print off a shopping list and complete this with your order, pop your boxes into a bag with your list and drop this off with us. Let us know when you'll be back to collect and we will have your order ready for you; we'll need at least an hour and maybe more at a busy time.

Need advice on quantities? We can guide you through this... have an idea of how many times a week you would like to serve a particular dish / ingredient... for how many and the size of their appetites.