[Q108] Quest System Containerization 

🥇3000 EGP
1st Place

🥈1000 EGP
2nd Place

🙋‍♀️  Register before:
Sunday, February 11th

📦 Submit before:
Sunday, February 18th

Quest Submission APIs


In order to give a seamless testing and development experience, we want to dockerize and create a simple docker-compose file to allow anyone to launch and test the code-quests platform on their machine without having to install anything but docker.

System Architecture

Given the following system architecture, we need to dockerize 2 services

Dockerize the backend and frontend

Automatically builds the dockerfile with the backend code and runs it using node command. (no web server needed)


Automatically builds the dockerfile with the frontend code and serve it using nginx 


Docker compose

To allow any developer to build, and test the application without downloading any dependencies, build a docker compose that will run the whole system on docker.

Your docker compose should include the following services:

send us your github username on the quest whatsapp group so we can give you access to the repositories above.

You will be able to fork privately the repos in order to test the github actions.

CI/CD Pipeline for Backend and Frontend repos

Build a github actions pipeline that will execute the following:

Note: we will provide FTP server for testing privately

Acceptance Criteria

Quest Ended

📈 Challenge Statistics

 🙋‍♀️Registrations: 12

📦 Submissions: 0
Updated every night 

🗒️ Challenge Details

💪🏼 Difficulty: Intermediate

💯 Evaluation Criteria:
Backend Scorecard