Backend/Frontend Scorecard

This is how Backend Projects are evaluated.

Submission content

Each submission must contain the following, if these are not included, the submission is not considered in the review.

All files should be zipped in 1 file called, and uploaded in the submission form.

Do not share publicly

If the code is shared on Github (or any other online repository) publically, it will not be accepted and your submission will be disqualified.
Do not use public or open source repositories to write or share your code.


Total score is 100 points. A submission must score 80 points to be considered for a cash prize. Highest score above the minimum required score wins the first place, then the second, etc.

The following list shows the weight of each criteria in scoring the submissions:

Scoring Details

Functional Requirements

Non-Functional Requirements

Testing and Quality


Allowed Third Party Assets

Unless explicitly declared in the quest project page by the client, you can only use Free, Open Source Libraries following a permissive license including:

Copyleft licenses (OSL, GPL, AGPL, MPL, etc) are not allowed for commercial Quests unless specified by in the requirements.

Copying existing code from the internet or Github without its proper licence is prohibited. Submissions are screened for copyright infringement.