CCA Documents

Coastal Concern Alliance (CCA) is an independent citizens’ group set up in 2006 to campaign for reform of the undemocratic Foreshore Act 1933 which governs construction at sea, and the introduction of coastal and marine planning to conserve and protect marine wildlife and coastal landscapes and seascapes. We are in favour of offshore renewable energy projects to help cut Ireland’s fossil fuel consumption provided such schemes are sensitively located in line with good international environmental practice. We have been lobbying government on the need to reform foreshore governance since our foundation.

In addition, we have made comprehensive submissions to numerous pertinent public consultations (see below). In the decade since 2006, we have seen the concerns we have raised about: i) the need for proper public consultation on offshore developments and ii) the adverse impact on landscape and marine wildlife of inappropriately sited offshore wind farms, become mainstream throughout the EU.

A main focus of CCA submissions in recent years has been the developer-led nature of the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP) drafted by Minister Eamon Ryan in 2010 and adopted by Government in 2014. This Plan and its accompanying SEA Environmental Report is a clear example of retrospective planning. It encompasses and endorses massive developments with hundreds of giant turbines permitted (1,600 MW ) and progressed (2,000MW) in full view of the high amenity coasts of Wicklow, Dublin and Louth during the Celtic Tiger years under outdated legislation (Foreshore Act 1933), with no Plan, no Strategic Environmental Assessment, no public tender for sites, and on the sole authority of the Minister for the Marine with no statutory involvement of local authorities, no public right of appeal and no independent professional assessment of visual impact on adjoining coastlines.

There is full knowledge at all levels of government of these legacy issues which must be addressed if Ireland’s seas are to be governed in a democratic manner in the public interest.


Submission to Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

Dodgy Dealings Under the Sea, July 2022

EU vs Ireland - Procedures for Offshore Wind, April 2022

Harnessing our Ocean Wealth: Critical Analysis, April 2022

Offshore Wind - Phase 11 Consultation, 9 March 2022

CCA submission to consultation on development of OREDP Two.

Maritime Area Consent, Assessment for Phase One projects, Feb 2022

CCA Submission

Maritime Area Planning Bill, October 2021

CCA Briefing Note

Expanding Ireland's Marine Protected Area Network, 30 July 2021

CCA Submission

Marine Planning and Development Management Bill, December 2020.

CCA submission to the Joint Committee who were examining the Bill.

Consultation to Inform a Grid Development Policy for Ireland, July 2020

CCA Submission

National Marine Planning Framework, April 2020

CCA submission to Public Consultation on the draft Plan

'Sandbanks slightly covered by seawater at all times': Factors relevant to Conservation, December 2019.

CCA Briefing Document

Marine Planning - An overview, December 2019

CCA Briefing Document

Marine Planning Policy Statement, August 2019

CCA Submission to Public Consultation

National Marine Planning Framework Baseline Report, Dec 2018

CCA Submission. Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

Already Existing Renewable Infrastructure, 2018

CCA Briefing Document,

Mid Term Review of the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan 2014

CCA Submission. Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, December 2017

Ireland 2040 Our Plan – Draft National Planning Framework

CCA Submission. Department of Housing Planning & Local Government, November 2017

Citizens' Assembly. Making Ireland a leader in tackling Climate Change

CCA Submission, August 2017

Arklow Energy Ltd: Application for Dumping at Sea Permit

CCA Submission. Arklow Energy Ltd application to the EPA for a permit for seabed levelling by sea plough of 99.999 tonnes of material (sand and gravel) over an 8 year period, January 2017

Draft Guidance on Environmental Impact Statement and Natura Impact Statement for Offshore Renewable Energy Project prepared by McCabe, Durney, Barnes

CCA Submission. Environmental Working Group of the Offshore Renewable Energy Steering Group and the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, December 2016

Galway Bay Marine & Renewable Energy Test Site.

CCA Submission, September 2016

Draft regulations to transpose the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive into Irish Law.

CCA Submission, May 2016

Government plan threatens east coast – Briefing Document

CCA Briefing Document, February 2016

Offshore Wind - A planning scandal

CCA Briefing Document, April 2015

A draft National Landscape Strategy for Ireland 2014-2024

CCA Submission. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, August 2014

Irish Offshore Wind – Urgent need for reform of foreshore governance

CCA Presentation to Parliamentary Labour Party, February 2014

Maritime Area & Foreshore (Amendment) Bill 2013

1. CCA Presentation to JOC on Draft Legislation, November 2013

2. CCA Speakers’ Notes for JOC Presentation, November 2013

Dublin Array Offshore Windfarm

CCA Submission in response to the Environmental Impact Statement, May 2013

Dublin Array Offshore Windfarm. Visual Impact Assessment Photomontages

Photomontages - East Coast Wind Farms, 2013

A New Planning and Consent Architecture for Development in the Marine Area

CCA Comment on Discussion Document, February 2013

Our Ocean Wealth

CCA Submission to the public consultation, March 2012

Global Offshore Wind Farms: Comparison with Ireland

CCA Briefing Document, March 2012

Wicklow Offshore Wind Farms: Speculation and Inadequate Regulation

CCA Briefing Document, April 2012

Providence Resources Application for Foreshore Licence in Kish Basin

CCA Submission to public consultation, February 2012

Irish Offshore Wind: Beyond the Reach of Planning?

CCA Briefing Document, 2012

National Landscape Strategy Consultation

CCA Submission, November 2011

SEA of the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan, 2010

CCA Submission, May 2011

National Renewable Energy Action Plan

CCA Submission to Department of Communications Energy & Natural Resources, June 2010

Scoping for SEA on Plans to develop Offshore Renewable Energy

CCA submission to public consultation, November 2009

Photomontages & Visual Impact Assessment of Offshore Windfarms

CCA Briefing Document, 2009

Sceirde Offshore Windfarm Foreshore Lease Application

CCA submission to public consultation on Environmental Impact Statement, February 2009

Oriel Windfarm Foreshore Lease Application

CCA Submission to public consultation on Environmental Impact Statement, June 2007

Energy Green Paper: Towards a Sustainable Energy future for Ireland

CCA Submission to Energy Planning Division, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, November 2006

Ireland: Offshore Wind Farm Development 2002-2010

CCA Briefing Document