Coastal Concern Alliance

Working to Protect Ireland's Coastal Zone since 2006 

CCA submission to Citizens' Assembly on Biodiversity Loss

In our submission to the Citizens' Assembly, Coastal Concern Alliance endorses the recommendations made by Fair Seas, outlining key actions required to conserve and restore Ireland's marine biodiversity.  These actions are necessary, not alone because of the need to protect at risk habitats and species, but to ensure that the carbon capture potential of our seas is maintained.

In addition, based on our close observation over the past 16 years of management of Ireland's flawed Marine Planning regime, we also called for:

Proposed East Coast Wind Farms

Huge near-shore developments with hundreds of turbines up to 320m high are being progressed along the coast from Dundalk Bay to Carnsore Point, around Carnsore Point past the Saltee Islands by the Wexford and Waterford coasts, in advance of the designation of Marine Protected Areas to protect marine biodiversity and urgently required legislative reform. A further major project is proposed in Galway Bay.

A Review of the National Marine Planning Framework, commissioned by SWAN, shows that this Framework does not comply with the basic requirements of the Marine Spatial Planning Directive (2014/89/EU ) making a nonsense of the commitment to introduce ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning in Ireland.

A CCA graphic shows that turbines proposed are too big, too close to shore and out of line with good international siting practice.  It is stated by the industry that these 'Phase 1' projects cannot be placed further out from shore due to increased water depth.  This is simply not true. Fixed bottom turbines can now be constructed in waters that are 60-70m deep and areas with this depth can be found 30km from Ireland's east coast.   Indeed, SSE, seeking consent to industrialise the Arklow Bank, are themselves stating that they can build in deeper waters off Ireland's south coast. 

Based on their rich ecology that supports national and internationally important bird species, fish spawning grounds and cetaceans, east coast sandbanks are unsuitable sites for offshore wind farms.  The sandbanks also function to protect the coast from the worst impacts of easterly gales, and reduce the risk of coastal erosion,  already a major threat to communities along much of the vulnerable east coast. 

The increased risk of coastal erosion associated with wind farm construction on the sandbanks was flagged in the EU Conservation Assessment Report, 2007 by the National Parks and Wildlife Service, but laterally this significant risk appears to have been given little consideration. 

Applications for permission to construct have been made (September 2024) for North Irish Sea Array and Arklow Bank (Consultations closed) and Codling Wind Park (Consultation open; closes 5.30pm, 18th November 2024)  more will follow, probably before end 2024.  

The information presented below does not reflect recent events so for updates on current proposals please see the information provided by individual developers. 

Arklow Bank Wind Park  Codling Wind Parks 1 & 2

Dublin Array           North Irish Sea Array

Oriel Wind Farm Other proposed projects

National Marine Planning Framework

Draft Marine Spatial Plan and SEA published. 

CCA Submission in response to the Public Consultation.  
This CCA document raises serious concerns about the dominance of developer interests in the draft Plan produced. 

Regulatory Failure

Buffer Zone Needed to Protect our coast

Government failure to introduce regulation to protect Ireland’s unique coastal zone, in line with good international practice, has led to a chaotic “free for all” with multinational energy companies seeking to build the biggest offshore wind farms in the world on environmentally sensitive near-shore sites which they have been allowed to select with no biodiversity or landscape constraints, close to Ireland’s unspoiled East coast. Read moreA cursory examination of current permitting practices for offshore wind in Europe shows that Irish 'legacy projects’ are too big, too close to shore and out of line with good international siting practice.  In response to environmental concerns, many EU countries have adopted de facto buffer zones around their coasts to protect in-shore wildlife, marine habitats and coastal landscapes. The average distance from shore of OWF under construction in the EU in 2020 was 44km. This compares to a distance of 6-13km for Irish projects. CCA is calling on the Irish Government to follow good international siting practice to protect Ireland’s unique coastal zone by stipulating a wind farm free buffer zone of at least 30km around our coast. 

Nature Protection 

Government Criticised for Pushing Offshore Wind Ahead of MPAsThe Irish Wildlife Trust has expressed fear that Government is prioritising industry-funded offshore wind and wave energy projects over its international commitments on marine protected areas (MPAs)Latest National Parks & Wildlife Report confirms that construction of wind turbines on sandbanks will result in habitat degradation. 

Seascape & Visual Impact Assessment 

To ensure protection of Ireland's coastline, internationally accepted Best Practice Guidance must be used. 

Recent publications from the UK and Wales are ideal tools to use for Seascape &Visual Impact Assessment of offshore wind farms proposed in Ireland.  

Who Are Coastal Concern Alliance?

Coastal Concern Alliance (CCA) is an independent, voluntary group, set up in 2006 by environmentally conscious citizens to campaign for:

We have no affiliation to any political party or industry group. 

Why was Coastal Concern Alliance set up?

The vast majority of Irish people are unaware that large tracts of our ecologically sensitive, near-shore waters off the east coast have been targeted by developers for construction of some of the biggest offshore wind farms in the world.  During the Celtic Tiger Era, 99 year Foreshore Leases were awarded for construction of two large scale wind farms with hundreds of huge turbines on the Arklow & Codling Banks off the coasts of Wicklow and south Dublin. Extensive exploratory licences were also awarded off the coasts of Louth, Dublin & Wicklow and in Galway Bay. More recently, Foreshore Licence applications have been submitted for exploration of large nearshore areas off Waterford and Cork. 

An outdated and undemocratic legislative regime has facilitated this 'sea-grab' under the radar of public attention. This legacy of speculation and inadequate regulation continues to shape the future of our coastal zone, endangering protected habitats, marine wildlife and coastal landscapes. 

The management of Ireland's coastal waters is a matter of great importance to many citizens who have been excluded from the decision-making process because of the serious democratic deficits which have existed for decades. The current marine planning legislation, the Foreshore Act 1933, empowers a sole individual, the Minister for the Environment, to grant foreshore leases to private individuals and dictate conditions attaching to those leases, with no statutory involvement of Local Authorities, no pre-selection of sites by government and no affordable public right of appeal against the Minister's decision. Developers were allowed to pick out sites on a 'first come first served' basis, with no public tendering.  As a result of the low key manner in which this process worked, leases and licences have been granted without the knowledge of the vast majority of Irish citizens and their public representatives. 

Coastal Concern Alliance supports the development of offshore renewables in Irish waters to help Ireland meet national energy objectives. We believe that permission to construct such huge industrial installations must be assessed under a democratic fit-for-purpose legislative process and developments must be to a proper scale and properly sited to avoid damaging impacts on marine wildlife, habitats and coastal landscapes.