Dr. Bonnie Ludka

I am interested in how coastal physical processes interact with environmental management and ecological functioning, on time scales of storms to decades. My team and I use fieldwork, data analysis and modeling to help build more resilient coasts.  Check out our projects here.

I am also passionate about environmental justice and climate change communication, and advancing equity and inclusion in science. I encourage my team to be advocates for positive change, in and outside of academia. Check out our climate resources here.

Photo by Kellie Brown


Photo by Dr. Nick Pizzo


Ph.D. Oceanography, Physical Oceanography Program, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 2016

M.S. Oceanography, Physical Oceanography Program, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, 2011

B.S. Physics, James Madison University, 2007

Photo by Pete Laszcz 




Header Photo: Seacliff State Beach, CA. Photo by Awbrey Yost.