The Coast

The coastal region includes wetlands, estuaries, cliffs, dunes, beaches, the surfzone and the continental shelf.

The Klamath River Mouth, Yurok Reservation. Photo by Stephen Saks. Annotation added.

Humans interact with coastal regions more than any other part of the ocean (e.g. fishing and aquaculture, recreation, transport).

Mural in the fishing town of Newport Oregon.

Coasts are often highly modified (e.g. resource extraction, harbor construction, pollution) and are vulnerable when unsustainable practices are implemented by growing human populations.

Trash on Santa Monica Beach, California. Photo from SCCWRP.

Algal bloom in Elkhorn Slough likely due to agricultural runoff. These events can lead to low oxygen levels and are dangerous to the estuary ecosystem. Photo from ESNERR.

As climate change continues, coasts are increasingly threatened (e.g. sea level rise, changing storm conditions, ocean acidification).

Flooding at Imperial Beach, California. Photo by Serge Dedina.

Our group studies how waves, currents, and sediment transport interact with environmental management and ecological functioning, to build more resilient coasts.

The office on a good day.

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Madison being curious.

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Land Acknowledgement

Cal Poly Humboldt is located on the present and ancestral Homeland and unceded territory of the Wiyot Tribe. Please donate to the Wiyot Tribe honor tax. We encourage direct giving to Tribes and Native-led efforts. Tribes and Nations in Humboldt County include Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Tolowa, Wailaki, Wiyot, Yurok. We make this land acknowledgement in recognition that our words must be matched by action and approach. Please learn from Dr. Cutcha Risling Baldy's lecture "What Good Is a Land Acknowledgment?"

Photo of Students in Trinidad Bay from CPH website.

Header Photo: The Klamath River Mouth, Yurok Reservation. Photo by Stephen Saks.