
Join Dr. Ludka and coastal science collaborators! 

Dr. Ludka embraces a lab philosophy* that celebrates

1) collective genius to foster collaborative work

2) science-civic symbiosis to foster informed, useful research and engaged, community-oriented researchers

3) a self-defined image of success to foster a team with diverse backgrounds and career paths


Our team values diversity. Diversity has many aspects. These aspects include (but are not limited to) diversity of race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, medical condition, marital status, veteran status, and disability. YOU ARE WELCOME HERE.

*Lab philosophy language inspired by: Radhika Nagpal (2018) The pursuit of collective intelligence. Cornell University's Distinguished Lecture Series on Science and Engineering Culture.

Photos: Dr. Ludka scuba diving by Rich Walsh. Garibaldi by Robin Riggs. Giant Pacific Octopus by Monterey Bay Aquarium. Anemone by Dawn Waters.

Header photo: Sunset Cliffs Natural Park, San Diego, CA.