Who Am I?

an online self inquiry group 

Through self-inquiry and discovery...

you can question your identity to find freedom and truth beyond who you think you are...

A six week online group program of The Work of Byron Katie with certified facilitator Kathy White.

Who am I?   

A question posed for millennia by sages and gurus.

Over the course of six weeks, you will be invited to use a form of self-inquiry called The Work of Byron Katie,  as a tool to meditate on your identity, to deepen your understanding of the answers that arise when you ask "Who Am I?" 

Explore why and how it can be stressful to have the identities you have. 

Whether it is through work, family or friends, explore how stressful thoughts arise in relationship to the labels you put on yourself, the labels others might call you, and the labels you might call yourself.  

Learn more about how self-attack, self-blame arises in your mind, based on identification,  and how you can find freedom from those inner conflicts and dialogues by questioning the mind

The Work of Byron Katie is a simple yet radical tool of self-inquiry that has been used for the past 30 years by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.  Using four questions and turnarounds, you inquire into the thoughts that are causing you stress in your life, turn those thoughts around and so access the timeless wisdom within you.

 Find freedom and access who you are beyond your identifications.

This is an online event. 

Schedule:  6 weeks starting August 15th - September 19th

Thursdays 10am / 1pm Eastern / 6pm UK / 7pm Euro (all calls 90 minutes) 

On Zoom 


Week 1. Introduction to The Work of Bryon Katie and how do we define our identity

Week 2. Exploring, mapping and questioning our identity through our family - the names your family gives you  (Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, Child, grandparent, etc.)

Week 3.   Exploring, mapping and questioning our identity through our relationships - the names your relationships give you (Husband, spouse, partner, boyfriend, Wife, Girlfriend, etc.)

Week 4. Exploring identity through our work  - the names your profession calls you (doctor, lawyer, therapist, teacher, technician, plumber, carpenter, artist, etc.) 

Week 5 Exploring identity through our self-judgements and self-attack - the names you call yourself  (stupid, lazy, careless,  arrogant, ignorant, needy, greedy, etc.) and how to question these internal conflicts. 

Week 6. Using inquiry to question who you truly are, gain a deeper understanding of what insights come from asking the question "Who am I?"

This an event using The Work of Byron Katie - other tools such as Internal Family Systems, Art Therapy, or NVC may also be added to the curriculum to support inquiry. 


$297 USD

To sign up please contact kathy@coachthework.com