Solutions to Pains

Pain Point

Although the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the uptake and the use of Educational Technology there are still challenges facing public education institutions around the adoption and use of technology (Promethean GB report). Throughout the pandemic tools were being rushed out by global technology conglomerates for use in the virtual classroom, and made to fit a need similar to a too small puzzle piece fitting another piece to complete the puzzle (Teras, M., Suoranta, J., Teras, H., Curcher, M., 2020).

So what can Co Lab Edu offer?


A platform that expressly puts the three stakeholders of educational technology at the table together with the focus of putting innovation with educational outcomes as the priority. With open communication systems, an ongoing dialogue system that puts questions and answers together along with asynchronous focus group feedback, technology companies can hear directly from their end users to better build technologies suited for the learning environments they will be deployed in. The network of AI powered agents will pair technology companies with like minded groups to get the best, most well-rounded feedback. Using the block chain, the transfer of sensitive data is safe from copycats and plagiarism and situates itself with the direction of future education data storage (Tech Blogger, 2021).