Investment and Return

The Ask

The Return

Investors will see the benefit of the monetization of technologies purchased through the platform as well as a monthly subscription service of both developers and end user stakeholder groups. After a period of freemium use, the platform will move to pay to play model for certain features such as: video conferencing, and various data reports in order to further increase the potential for subscribers. Desmos for example has upwards of 40M users according to their website. With just 0.004% uptake from the US market, we would reach our break-even point within the first year of operation. A new system may present a higher churn rate, so anticipated at 30% means that number shifts slightly to 0.005% of the US school system. With the addition of potential commission, and engineer/developer subscription we scale to profitability quickly.

Expected Charges to users of the platform:

Engineers - $500 up front, 2% commission or $1000 of each and every sale from within the space.

Schools - a $1500 minimum, $50/teacher sign up fee