2022 Spring

April 21 (Thursday) 2022, 16:30-17:30, Zoom

  • Speaker: Hayan Nam (Duksung Women's University)

  • Title: Counting the number of certain partitions by using numerical semigroups

  • Abstract : A partition of $n$ is an expression of $n$ as the sum of positive integers. By assigning non-negative numbers to the boundary of a partition's Ferrers diagram, we get the numerical set corresponding to the partition. Considering several invariants of numerical semigroups, we classify partitions under those invariants and count the number of partitions corresponding to numerical semigroups with fixed invariants.

May 19 (Thursday) 2022, 16:30-17:30, 교육융합관 401호

  • Speaker: Junyeong Park (Seoul National University)

  • Title: "Cayley trick" for simplicial toric varieties

  • Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss the middle-degree cohomology of some open varieties in a simplicial toric variety. Without the smoothness assumption, we first modify the algebraic de Rham complex. Then using the idea of "Cayley trick", we reduce to the case of hypersurface complements. As a consequence, we can describe the middle-degree cohomology via twisted de Rham complexes. Using this description, one can get an algorithmic construction of a formal F-manifold structure on the middle-degree cohomology. This is a joint work with Jeehoon Park

June 16 (Thursday) 2022, 16:30-17:30, Zoom

  • Speaker: Chol Park (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology)

  • Title: Frobenius eigenvalues in a space of mod-$p$ automorphic forms

  • Abstract : In this talk, we discuss how to construct certain invariants in a space of mod-$p$ automorphic forms, that capture the Frobenius eigenvalues of the corresponding automorphic Galois representation to the space of mod-$p$ automorphic forms.

August 25 (Thursday) 2022, 14:30-15:30, 교육융합관 401호, Zoom

  • Speaker: Gilyoung Cheong (UC Irvine)

  • Title: The distribution of the cokernel of a random p-adic integral matrix

  • Abstract: Let p be a prime. Friedman and Washington computed the distribution of the cokernel of a Haar-random n x n matrix over the p-adic integers. When n goes to infinity, this distribution converges to the Cohen--Lenstra distribution, which conjecturally predicts the distribution of the p-part of a random quadratic imaginary number field. Since then, this was followed by many other interesting results that computed various asymptotic distributions of cokernels of random p-adic integral matrices when n goes to infinity, but there have been less effort in understanding similar behaviors when n is fixed. In this talk,I will present some surprising results when n is fixed with some explicit exact formulas. This talk is based on two separate joint works, one with Nathan Kaplan and another with Yunqi Liang and Michael Strand, both of which extend former joint work with Yifeng Huang.

(A significant part of this talk should be understandable by any undergraduates who studied the structure theorem of finitely generated modules over a PID.)