Booster Club

The 2019/20 Northstars baseball booster club meeting dates are posted below. Booster club meeting minutes will be posted after each meeting under related files. All meetings will be held in the Gillette Road Middle School cafeteria.

Monthly meeting dates:

Sept, 2019 - Fall Informational/Organizational Meeting (TBA)

Monday, December 9th (6:00 pm)

Monday, January 6th (6:00 pm)

Monday, February 3rd (6:00 pm)

Monday, March 9th - (6:00 pm)

Monday, April 20th (6:00 pm)

June - TBA

CNS Baseball e-store through Papa Sports. Just click on link below to take you to the Papa's e-store.

September, 2019/20

Listed below are the different committees the Northstar Baseball Booster Club is made up of. We have outlined the responsibilities of each committee in hopes to give you some background and direction. The purpose of this outline is to make our monthly booster club meetings more productive. Feel free to explore anything else that your particular committee thinks might benefit the program. Your committee can meet as often as you like. Basically, on the nights we have booster club meetings we will simply ask the different committees to report to the club the progress they are making or have made. Our hope is that parents will join a particular committee to make the Northstars Baseball Booster Club monthly meetings more efficient. This will allow parents to be involved in the booster club process without having to come to the monthly meetings. I will be asking the coaches as well to participate in the committee process to put more emphasis on the player, parent, and coach relationship since together we are trying to achieve the same common goal(s) as we build and grow the Northstars Baseball Booster Club. Remember, the Northstars Baseball Booster Club is a support group for the Northstars Baseball program and a reflection of the North Syracuse Central School District. The executive board of the booster club along with the coaching staff will have the final say in all booster club related activities since they are the ones who have to report directly back to the school district and be accountable for the actions of the Northstars Baseball Booster Club. Again, as always, on behalf of the kids and coaches in the program we want to thank you for your time and commitment to the program.

2020 Northstars Baseball Booster Club Officers

President – Jeff King (replaced Jon June for 2020)

Vice President – Mike Kasch (new position for 2020)

Secretary – Dawn Stanton

Treasurer – Judy Seliger (replaced Tony DelVecchio for 2020)

Northstars Baseball Executive Board

Kevin Rockwell

Jon June (Replaced Derek Campbell in 2016)

Mike Lucia

Matt Gates (Replaced Joe Marzullo in 2013)

Corey Cartier(Replaced Kimber Cummings in 2018)

Dawn Stanton (Replaced Heather Frawley in 2014)

Jeff King (Replaced Tony DelVecchio in 2020)

Hitting Derby Committee

1) The Hitting Derby is one of two major fundraisers for the season. This committee will be asked to plan and organize the activities for the night. For example, distribution of sponsor sheets, explanation of Hitting Derby to parents and players at parent meetings, arrangement of food from different teams for all the participants in the program for the night, and finally collection of the monies after the Hitting Derby. Anything else the committee can come up with to help the Hitting Derby grow and get better each and every year.

End of the Year Team Celebrations

1) Send out a flyer during the season to all the players and parents in the program about the end of the season celebration. Then, have parents RSVP the number of people attending so the booster club has a head count.

2) Decorate, organize and plan activities for the evening.

Public Relations/Alumni Committee

Jon June, Matt Gates and Joe Marzullo will lead this committee:

1) Research ways to involve the community in the activities of the Northstar Baseball Booster Club. For example, posters, mailing schedules etc… It may be beneficial to contact alumni to research ways to encourage more alumni to become involved.

2) Organize Paver Project and Wall of Distinction honoree(s). When Wall of Fame nominations come in, the names will be sent out to the alumni on the distribution list for feedback before the committee chooses the honoree for the year.

3) Contact alumni about alumni events and other booster club events. This can be done in correlation with the golf tournament committee.

Golf Tournament Committee

1) Solicit local businesses to see if they would be interested in sponsoring a hole sponsor, flag sponsor, or door prize at the golf tournament.

2) Contact Northern Pines Country Club to confirm date and times of tournament. Basically, cover all the details for that day.

3) Advertise the golf tournament. Develop a flyer (could use the same format as last year) to pass out to everyone who might be interested in playing in or supporting the golf tournament.

4) With the help of others in the club, organize the events for the day of the tournament. Kimber Cummings will organize this committee but they will need volunteers to make this event as successful as it has been in the past.

Miscellaneous activities the Northstars Baseball Booster Club sponsors:

These activities we can discuss as a group rather than developing a committee for.

Team Parent Reps – Jon June will oversee with PARENTS once teams are chosen.

Player Packages/Clothing orders

John Ilacqua Tournament/Scholarships

Pre – Season Voluntary Indoor Strength Training/Winter Hitting

Summer Baseball

2019 Hitting Derby Flyer

2020 Golf tourn announcement