Our team

Cover: Shafiqah teaching writing and reading to men in Qala e Panja

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CNHHAO was created by young Wakhi people in 2021. It was registered as an NGO by Afghanistan authorities on June 9, 2021

CNHHAO  official registration of theWahan NGO

Short resume of the co-founders

The three people who are at the origin of the NGO are Asadullah Wakhani, Shafiqa Joya and Ghulam Sakhi Saihoon.

CNHHAO Asadullah Wakhani

Asadullah Wakhani

is 28 years old. Graduated Badakhshan Borna university ofr business administration, he was a supervisor in Wakhan for the Ministry of public works for 5 years (road construction). He is currenTly studying with the online University of Central Asia professional continuing school.

CNHHAO Shafiqa Joya

Shafiqa Joya

is 25 years old. She is a fourth-year student in Badakhshan University for a specialisation in mathematics.
Shafiqa is very concerned with young girls education and women empowerment in Afghanistan.

Ghulam Sakhi Saihoon

is 28 years old. Graduated from Tabib medical institute, he is a laboratory assistant. He works for a private hospital which is a good address for Wakhan patients in Fayzabad. He has always being cooperative with all and specially with Wakhan young children.

Founders, questions and answers

Why did I decide to be one of the CNHHAO founders?

When I grew up in the farthest as well as the poorest part of the world and I started my education there, poverty was in its highest level. Therefore, I began to think about how I could show these problems to the world and be a true servant of our poor community.

So, I decided to be one of the founders of this institute


When I was a teenager and went to university, there were a large number of girls from all over my country but, we were 4 or 5 Students from Wakhan this was not acceptable for me, afterword I start thinking then I find out that I could help our people with this project.


I have completed my education in the field of health and fitness, and I have studied health restrictions in the society, the result was very painful, to save these cases, that’s why I became one of the founders of the institute.

Ghulam Sakhi

What talents and what experience I can bring to people of Wakhan in need of help?

Working for people who are below the poverty line, it requires kindness, especially compassion, and sympathy. In my opinion for a backward country attracting help through donors is a way finding way to get rid of poverty and education.


I am sure that I can find educational projects for remote villages, and I am sure to implement that. I will be a model at serving mountain women and sending rural girls to universities.


To save the poor people I will begin from informing, I will begin to recognize the problems and show the ways to get rid of them through simple ways, and I will learn how to take vitamins for them from nature.

Ghulam Sakhi

What is the first project I will work on? What will I do for this first project?

Our first project is to build a school at the beginning of Rowrung. I will work on implementing voluntarily as well as I will take this responsibility. I will work to provide water and other necessities. Maintaining and looking after this project is my plan.


The first project of this institute is the building of the Rowrung primary school, and I am working on it with great determination and diligence. During the implementation of this project, I will work on the ideas of Rorong’s girls, I promise I will prepare them for education.


Our first project is the construction of the Rowrung elementary school, which we will be building in general with the cooperation of local people and financial donors. I am proud to work on the project. The beautiful children of this region will be the hope of this land, and I will conduct health workshops in this region, explain the information about dangerous diseases, and teach them simple ways to prevent them.

Ghulam Sakhi

CNHHAO Asadullah learning UCA on line English using Tajik mobile service | Shafiqa teaching kids in Qala e Panja | Ghulamsakhi vaccinating a kid in Fayzabad hospital

Asadullah learning UCA on line English using Tajik mobile service | Shafiqa teaching kids in Qala e Panja | Ghulamsakhi vaccinating a kid in Fayzabad hospital

CNHHAO extra expertises

Although they are, as of today, not involved in the CNHHAO start-up and in its fieldwork, some profesional people expressed their concern for the population of Wakhan. They decided to join the NGO as parts of its organisation as required per Afghan law. They are members of its board of directors and/or executive committee. During the actual activity period they might bring some punctual help. They might, later, join as more permanent actors if they can get a salary for these tasks.

Sayed Rahimudin Muhani works for AKF. He was, for 5 years, head of Wakhan Pamir Association.

Abdulamid Payman is an engineer.

Niazshah Sarwari is graduated from Kunduz agriculture University.

Raimkhan Ebraimi works for a Kabul NGO.

Hassanshah Noory is an IT Officer at AKAH.

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