School project
Rehabilitation of Rowrung governmental school

This first project of CNHHAO is about a primary school, 1 to 3 level, located in Rowrung. It is in one of the coldest places of Afghanistan. It needs support and rehabilitation. Rowrung is not shown on any Google search result. It is in Upper Wakhan at 40 km from Qalah e Panja. It is located on the “road” leading to Sarhad e Brogil, 60 km farther east (this last village is where starts the Afghan Little Pamir ending at the Chinese border).

English Language Program

Implemented Program

Wakhan NGO or Corridor Natural Habitat Humanitarian Assistance Organization successfully implemented an English language program for 64 English language students for both girls and boys in the remote coroner Afghanistan in Wakhan National Park. We have developed a way to ensure girls have access to basic education (English, mathematics and Dari language). We have established education centers in two locations of Wakhan National Park. Majority of our students are girls who are at an age group which complies with the Islamic Emerita of Afghanistan roles. We ensure that our students have enough teaching materials and support which provides the enabling environment for those who are deprived of education. We have employed four teachers, two per center, one male who teaches the boys and one female who teaches the girls. Local communities have been very supportive of this initiative. So far, the centers have been running by the support of local communities. Tanya Rosen has been donating and supported the program in terms of providing stipend and allowance for the teachers and local communities providing access to centers, donated stove wood for keeping the students warm during winter time, and topping up the shortfall for the teachers’ monthly salary. The international funding, tourists, has stopped and we are now looking for funding opportunities to continue our work.

CNHHAO Wakhan map, Greg Mortenson

Map is a courtesy of M. Greg Mortenson

Rowrung primary school needs help

The school

CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school, photo Asad Wakhi

The school is a governmental one. It operates only for the period going from March to October. It is open in the morning between 8:00 AM and 12:00 (Noon). This schedule allows kids to come and to go back, by foot, via mountain trails with daylight. The building comprises two classrooms. It has no windows, almost no doors, no electricity, no toilets.

CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school, girls at window, photo Asad Wakhi

The students

The students are 7, 8 and 9 years old. Their number is around 50. There are some 30 boys and 20 girls. They need an average time of 40 minutes to join the school from their home. On the pictures there are only 13 kids because it was too cold and there was too much snow, this day, for those living remotely. They could not join the class.

CNHHAO  children CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school, photo Asad Wakh

The teacher

There is one teacher for the two classes. He is not from Wakhan. He comes from Shugnan district, in the northeastern corner of Afghanistan. He has no home in Wakhan. He spends the night in the house of villagers shifting regularly from one place to another one. The teacher is supposed to receive 7,000 Afghanis per month. This is equal to USD 77. But, no salaries are paid since Taliban came into power. We don't know how this man can sustain his livelihood.

CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school, teacher and pupils, photo Asad Wakhi

The equipment consists of basic wooden boards and basic wooden chairs.

Between Qalah e Panja and Sarhad e Broghil on the day the school was visited, last week of October 2021

The rehabilitation project

Improvement and rehabilitation tasks identified as of today are:

  • add a third classroom,

  • add an office,

  • add toilets,

  • install windows and doors,

  • build a wall around the schoolyard.

The following design presents a three classrooms standard lay-out built in Afghanistan. It is not a design specific to Rowrung.

CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school plan, façade

No heating and no stoves are planned. Electricity, not available in Wakhan corridor, will not be installed. School operates during daylight. The construction work should be handled by local workers and artisans.

CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school plan, lay out
CNHHAO, Rowrung governmental school plan, roof

Proforma budget


The following budget presents the cost for building a standard Afghan new school with three classrooms. It was not done especially for Rowrung. It was first prepared in September 2004 (17 years ago) and likely updated in 2006. If the amounts are those of 2021, then the counter part should be 16.1 KUSD (14 K EUR).

However, the amounts might refer to 2004 or 2006 costs in AFA. Their conversion at 2006 AFA/USD rate would be 34.3 K USD (27 K EUR). Due to the current economic disastrous situation and due to the difficult access to Rowrung, external raw materials could have a much higher price. Likely, instead of cement, local raw material and local construction processes should be preferred. A re-use and a rehabilitation of the current building should be also considered as part of the "new" school.

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