Welcome to the Parent Teachers Association
for Community Montessori Elementary in Boulder, Colorado!
Stay connected
PTA Meetings are generally the 3rd Tuesday of the month and alternately held in the Flex Space from 3:10 - 4:10 pm or virtually using Google Meets from 6:30pm - 7:30pm.
We're on Facebook!
Community Montessori has a closed Facebook group.
To be added to the Facebook group, just go to the page, answer the questions, and request to join. One of the admins for the Facebook group will confirm you as a current CM parent or teacher and accept you into the group. Information from the PTA is usually posted on both platforms.
The closed Facebook page is designed for community members to share, ask questions, brainstorm, plan play-dates, and stay informed.
Email if you have any questions or need help getting connected.
Subscribe to the CME public calendar
Use this link to add to Google Calendar:
Use this link for ical:
CM PTA Fundraising:
The PTA offers many fundraising opportunities to help pay for enhancements that make our children’s educational experience true to the Montessori model. Learn more here.