Political Science

Chandidas Mahavidyalaya

Khujutipara, Nanoor, Birbhum, West Bengal

Vision: To inculcate democratic, secular, humane and altruistic values among the students.

About the department:

The department started its journey since the birth of the institution in 1972. Initially it aimed to provide general degree course to the students. As the demands started brewing up, the college authority resolved to start Honours or Major; the university of Burdwan approved in 2005 the proposal of running Hounours along with the general course. Since then around 200 students received their Honours degree from this department.

Currently the faculty strength of the department is five(05). It has rich reservoir of text and reference books. Besides, millions of e-books and journals can be accessed. Separate class-rooms, computer with internet facility, printers and book bank facilities are available.

Department organized two national seminars -2009 and 2015 respectively, various special lectures and department seminars. Two seminar proceedings were published with ISBN. Research orientation of the faculty members yields numerous publications -books, journal articles and book chapters. One faculty member is permitted to supervise PhD scholar by the University of Burdwan. Even faculty members presented papers in national and international seminars, & were invited as resource person by different colleges.

Two faculty members completed two UGC MRPs during 2014-2016 period.

Moreover, the department publishes an peer reviewed academic journal - INQUEST (ISSN 2349-5472)- in association with the department of History.

Course Outcome

Political Science is a dynamic discipline aspiring to impart knowledge on various contemporary issues of politics - local, national and global. Political ideas and ideologies are very important pillars of this discipline. Issues like rights, equality, justice, liberty and their inter-relationship, nationalism, internationalism, secular politics acquire primacy in it. Ideologies like Marxism, liberalism, Gandhism, Fascism, feminism, ecologism even communalism also occupy important position in this subject. Students get ample opportunity to study pioneers in this field -both Indian and Western- like Plato, Aristotle, Bodin, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Laski, Mill, Karl Marx, Kautilya, Rammohan Roy, Bankim, Vivekananda, Ambedkar, Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore. Public administration and local self government - are given due importance. Besides, nature of state and democracy from different schools are discussed at length.

International institutions and issues occupy central position in this course. UNO, Regional organizations like SAARC, ASEAN, NATO -composition and functions, global world order, terrorism, war, peace-keeping process, international institutions like IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization -their power and functions get prominence in this discipline.

Moreover, for the budding scholars research methodology is handy topic. they are given exposure on preparing PhD thesis and research methods.

National Webinar 24.7.21.pptx

Upcoming Event : National Webinar

Date: 24.7.2021 Time: 10.30 AM Onwards

Certificate of the participants : Indian Foreign Policy and International Order: Issues and Challenges

Participant Certificates