CMANTIC Lab Members


Professor, Computer Science

Ph.D. Students

Bradley Woosley

Master's Students

Anoop Mishra


Steven Belcher


Ph.D. Alumni

Olimpiya Saha, 2018 (Senior AI Research Scientist, LG Electronics Inc. USA) Website

Ayan Dutta, 2017 (Asst. Prof., CS, Univ. of North Florida) Website

Janyl Jumadinova, 2012 (Asst. Prof., CS, Allegheny College, PA) Website

Ke Cheng, 2010 (First appointment: Paypal/Ebay) Linkedin Profile


Jose Baca, 2012-2017 (Since 2017: Asst. Prof., Dept. of Engineering, Texas A&M Corpus Christi) Website

Kaushik Das, 2013-2014 (Since 2014: Scientist, TCS Innovation Lab, India) Linkedin Profile

Sotirios Diamantas, 2013 (Since 2018: Asst. Prof., Tarleton State Univ., Texas A&M) Linkedin Profile

Angelica Munoz-Melendez, 2011-2013 (Research Scientist, INAOE, Mexico) Website

K. R. Guruprasad, 2011-2012 (Asst. Prof., NIT-Karnataka, India) Website

Jihyun Yoon, 2012 (Samsung, Korea) Linkedin Profile

Master's Alumni

Venkat Garlapati, 2017 Linkedin Profile

Nick Wertzberger, 2017 Linkedin Profile

Zachary Wilson, 2014 Linkedin Profile

William Lenagh, 2013 Linkedin Profile

Zachary Ramaekers, 2011 Linkedin profile

Matthew Hoeing, 2007 Linkedin Profile

Erik Antonson, 2004 Linkedin Profile

Undergraduate Alumni

John Hare, 2017 (FUSE)

Timothy Joe, 2016 (FUSE)

Jhonatan Vasquez, 2016 (FUSE)

Walisson Gomes, 2015 (Exchange student from Brazil)

Levino Moises, 2015 (Summer exchange student from Brazil)

Claire O' Connell, 2013-2015 (FUSE)

Chris Molini, 2011-2012

Justin Schmidt, 2011-2012

Taylor Whipple, 2011

Ross Bell, 2008