Ayumy Singer, influenceuse et artiste pas comme les autres...

En effet, nous voulions savoir plus amplement, comment travaille-t-elle ses photos ? Et pourvoir revendiquer la paternité de ses oeuvres ? Elle travaille beaucoup avec ce qu'on appelle le système de géolocalisation des photos en liant ses comptes Google Maps et Google photos avec ses appareils numériques mobiles, car elle doit être rapide pour prendre des clichés en extérieure et misant sur l'efficacité de ces applications qui sont devenues incontournables pour enregistrer les informations dite "source" lié aux photos qui seront archivés automatiquement sur ses comptes personnels. Indiqué sur la photo ci-dessus

Ayumy singer, influencer and artist not like the others...

Indeed, we wanted to know more, how does she work her photos ? And to claim the paternity of his works?

Indeed, we wanted to know more more, how does she works with her photos? And to claim the paternity of her work ? She uses a lot with what we call the geo-locating of photos by linking her Google Maps and Google Photos with her mobile digital devices, because she has to be quick to take snapshots outside and betting on The effectiveness of these applications that have become indispensable to save the informations known as "source " linked to the photos that will be archived automatically on its personal accounts. Shown in the picture above

I learned the photo out of passion because I love testing products of all kinds that I wanted to share with my entourage. With my old work, I traveled a lot and I created, on my professional Facebook account, a small blog and it was long before this craze for the selfies! And my colleagues were laughing at me, but I continued, I remember that I had gained weight and I had put an advertisement on shoes for muscular the body, it was the shapers shoes ! At the beginning the sensation of the sole that is oriented so that the foot takes a posture so as to muscular the leg, works very well especially if you are constant! And these ladies saw the result on me, they were in awe and I had become the good colleague who gave good advice since I continued to make pictures and test all the good deals

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