Ayumy singer chemical attack my story time

Ayumy singer recounts in the open, that she suffered chemical attacks for several months, at her home today, after numerous photo and video findings that the beautiful influencer kept secret to build evidence of her claims. Clivepromedia.biz wanted to understand how it is possible, she tells us everything in detail in this article!

Explanations in images:

how particles and gases enter the house

C'est lors d'une nuit paisible que je constatais que mes yeux piquaient, j'avais du mal à respirer et tout à coup je me suis mis à sentir les bras et les jambes avec une sensation de brûlure

It was on a peaceful night that I noticed that my eyes were stinging, I had trouble breathing

suddenly I started to feel the arms and legs with a burning sensation

I contacted clivepromedia.biz to explain my story

But also electromagnetic vibrations coming from electrical outlets and connected devices in Wi-Fi, which when she sleeps close to her the electricity activate in the form of aggressive waves, near the bed a palpable and auditory intensity, one hears buzzing and feels vibrations coming from the wall! No you are not in the fifth dimension! It is called a chemical and electromagnetic attack! The chemical component in the air attacks the electricity that makes it sizzle and it reaches, your body that can also make you feel the burns on your arms, legs, with eyes sticking and difficulty breathing. When you experience this type of situation for several years, you risk weakening your parts