Death Records

Social Security Death Index at Rootsweb

Death and Burials submitted by Clinton County researchers

Death and burials recorded in Lutheran Church Records, Mulberry, Indiana.

The following marriage records were transcribed by Dick Leibenguth from photocopied pages of handwritten entries in the records of the Lutheran Church in Mulberry, Indiana. Dick says the book contains over 100 pages and covers about 1841 to 1940. Marriages, Death, Birth, and Baptism records of the Lutheran Church members (Mulberry, Indiana) are listed in the pages. Please remember it is very easy to make errors in transcribing from another individual's handwriting. If you find mistakes in the database, please E-mail Dick with corrections......... refer to the book and page number above the tables.

The names are not in alphabetical order. You may browse the lists, or, use your browser's "find" option to search for your surname. Remember............... the surname may be spelled differently than you would expect.

Deaths recorded in the Lutheran Church Records