
March 23, 2024

... "AI 활용한 치료 이제 현실로, AI의료 발전 이끄는 우리대학."...

December 13, 2023

..."국내 연구팀, 항생제 내성 예측 AI 개발 성공 - 헬스케어N - 헬스조선,헬스케어엔 ( "...

Decemebr 13, 2023

... "항생제 내성 예측 AI 등장...'최적 항생제' 찾는다."...

December 13, 2023

'경험적 항생제' AI 예측…"최적 항생제 찾는다"

September 09, 2021

일본 스포츠약사는 무슨 일을 할까? [스포츠파머시 5회]

June 21, 2021

약대생 보디빌더가 알려주는 운동할 때 약국에 가야 하는 이유

June 7, 2021

Tylenol craze and post-vaccination symptoms: Analysis

January 12, 2021

... "COVID-19 vaccine resources for pharmacists"...

October 11, 2020

..."Medical mystery: What did the pharmacist know?

A small but critical detail that had been withheld from the physician out of embarrassment made all the difference.  

February 16, 2020

...It is not the first time, are we ready for the next?

September 11, 2019

...How do you see the world, your surroundings?...Do you think you know better than chimpanzees?