Feb 2025: Roshan Jha joins us as a postdoc working on the GLOBAL-EX project! Roshan recently completed his PhD at IIT Bombay. Welcome to St Andrews, Roshan!
Feb 2025: Anna Mackie presented a seminar on cloud-circulation coupling at the University of Leeds.
Nov 2024: Lucy Palmer and Andrew Chingos begin their PhDs in the Lab as part of the GLOBAL-EX project – welcome Lucy and Andrew!
Oct 2024: New perspective article on land-climate science published in Nature Geoscience!
Oct 2024: Mike was awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize in the Earth Sciences! Announcement here, St Andrews news item here.
Sep 2024: Mike visited ENS de Lyon, Reading and Exeter to present the Lab's research on extreme temperatures in a changing climate.
Aug 2024: Anna Mackie is presenting her work on how patterned SST warming impacts circulation and clouds at the ECS Symposium!
Jul 2024: Josh Duffield attended the Rossbypalooza Summer School on 'Climate and Extreme Events' at the University of Chicago.
Jun/Jul 2024 was again a busy conference season for the Lab!
Josh Duffield presented his work on convective constraints on temperature distributions at AOFD in Burlington VT, USA.
Anna Mackie presented her work on tropical circulation, cloud feedbacks and the pattern effect at the convective aggregation workshop at ICTP in Trieste, Italy.
Mike presented work, in collaboration with Bill Boos and Shineng Hu, on the physical drivers of elevation-dependent warming at AOFD in Burlington VT, USA.
Mike presented idealised work on land relative humidity under climate change, in collaboration with Josh Duffield and Paul O'Gorman, at the Continental Climate Workshop at Harvard University.
Hannah Ruskin-Dodd and Jacob Holder joined the Climate Dynamics Lab as undergraduate researchers working on temperature distributions. Welcome Hannah and Jacob!
May 2024: New paper on elevation-dependent warming published in Weather and Climate Dynamics!
Oct. 2023: Our new ERC/UKRI research projected on extreme temperatures was featured by U. St Andrews.
Jun/Jul 2023 was a busy conference season for the Climate Dynamics Lab, with a range of presentations:
Mike presented idealised work on extreme temperatures, in collaboration with Josh Duffield, at the Continental Climate Workshop at Harvard University.
Josh Duffield and Tim Marino presented their work on extreme temperatures and atmospheric superrotation, respectively, at the UK Climate Dynamics Conference in Birmingham.
Emily van de Koot presented her work on monsoon-cloud interactions at the CFMIP/GASS meeting in Paris.
Anna Mackie presented her work on cloud-circulation coupling in high-resolution simulations at the CFMIP/GASS meeting in Paris.
Mike presented work, in collaboration with Bill Boos and Shineng Hu, on the physical drivers of elevation-dependent warming at a workshop in Paris.
Jun. 2023: Alex Chaudhri successfully defended his PhD on 8th June, congrats! Alex will soon begin a postdoc position at the University of Edinburgh.
Apr. 2023: Tim Marino is visiting us for a few months from ENS Lyon to work on atmospheric superrotation (in collaboration with Corentin Herbert). Welcome Tim!
Feb. 2023: Mike has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to work on extreme tmeperatures & climate change!
Oct. 2022: Mike discusses extreme weater events & climate change on CNN
Oct. 2022: Mike presents about the physics of tropical heatwaves in a changing climate at a workshop on 'Climate & Weather Extremes' hosted by the Institute for Mathematical & Statistical Innovation at the University of Chicago
Jun. 2022: Carnegie Research Workshop on Continental Climate Change: St Andrews, June 2022
Jun. 2022: Alex Chaudhri and Mike deliver oral presentations at the AMS Conference on Atmospheric & Oceanic Fluid Dynamics in Breckenridge, Colorado!
Oct. 2021: Our new paper on extreme temperatures was published in Nature Geoscience and selected as a Research Highlight in Nature!
Aug. 2021: Selected coverage of our work on the IPCC AR6 report (BBC New, The Times, Irish Times, CNN, RTE News, The Scotsman, Daily Telegraph, University of St Andrews News)
Sep. 2020: Article on why continents are warming faster than oceans in Carbon Brief
Jan. 2019: Article on our monsoon research in Horizon magazine