K-12 activities

AP Statistics Exam

The Cleveland Chapter of the American Statistical Association is offering a program for AP Students on improving performance on the AP Statistics Exam. Presentations on test-taking skills and statistics content topics will be given by a variety of speakers. The half-day program will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019, and includes an optional lunch. Cost is $5 per student. Teachers are welcome as well. Program details can be viewed here.

Ohio Statistics Poster Competition

There has been a national statistical poster competition since 1990 in which some winners have come from Ohio. The introduction of this state competition will give more students the opportunity to be recognized for their efforts and will encourage even more schools to participate in the national competition.Ohio Statistics Poster Competition


Adopt-A-School is an exciting program of the ASA's Council of Chapters. The purpose of the program is to enable the many professional statisticians who are capable and interested in bringing statistics into the public school curriculum to do so. The statisticians would make contact their school teachers and officials and volunteer their time, with the ultimate result being visits to school classrooms and assistance for teachers implementing statistics into their courses. Many school teachers, through quantitative literacy programs and the like, have indicated an enthusiasm for statistics, but lack the background and formal training to bring it into the classroom with confidence. That's where the professional statistician contributes.

For more information on adoption or to volunteer to assist with Adopt-A-School, contact Linda Quinn (330-225-4184) at l.quinn@csuohio.edu

Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSF)

Every year, the Chapter sends statistical judges to evaluate the projects for statistical merit. Chapter members volunteer to serve as judges. The Chapter offers prizes for statistical merit at the NEOSF. For more information or to volunteer to assist with the statistical judging, contact Gerry Beck (216-444-9927) at beckg@ccf.org

Members of the Chapter have developed A Guide to Using Statistical Thinking in Science Fair Projects which is available in pdf format:

Statistics Teacher Network (STN)

The Statistics Teacher Network (STN) Newsletter is a free resource for teachers.

Statistics Teachers Network (STN) Newsletter

To subscribe to STN or for more information, contact Jerry Moreno (216-397-4681) at moreno@jcu.edu