Native Plant Initiative

Our Goal

To educate the public about the value of biodiverse native gardens as mitigation against the effects of climate change.

Just as reducing time spent idling may be a seemingly invaluable change on a personal level, as a collective, it has big impacts. So too can installing a native plant garden on your property, here in Holly Springs. 

The Challenge Before You

Starting a garden from scratch? As little as a 3" X 3" plot of pollinator friendly wildflowers is enough to bring about positive change.

Swapping out non-natives for native? A tree here, a shrub there-it all helps! A total makeover is not required.

Whether you own commercial or personal property, rent an apartment or a home, any choice of native plants, even those in pots, provides food, shelter, a water source and some shade for native wildlife.

Meet Our Partner

Let Us Know About It

Shop-Plant-Send us a Photo!

We would love to see what you've done. Email to let us know what native upgrades you've installed. Send us a photo to Instagram @cleanairhs, Facebook @cleanairhs, or Twitter @cleanairhs or shoot a video and tag us on Tiktok @cleanairhs.

Share With Friends and Neighbors

Wildlife needs safe and protected corridors to move, eat, sleep and thrive. Native landscaping cannot be restricted to few areas with big islands of asphalt, concrete and nonnatives in between. Who can you share this initiative with? Please, help us spread the word1

Keep It Up

Gardens are always a work in progress. If you rely on professional landscaping services, ask about their use of native varieties of plants and request they restrict their use of harmful pesticides. If you go it alone, as one native section of your yard thrives you may decide to add more. This can be done overtime to reduce your workload and to spread out the cost of landscaping changes.

Biodiversity & Climate Change-The threat to Humans

Both environmental crises are caused by humans. 

Can we reverse the damage? Slow it even?

It is widely understood that we must. As our climate warms and biodiversity is lost, humans, especially marginalized communities of people, will suffer. We rely on biodiverse ecosystems to pollinate our crops, cycle nutrients in our soils and to improve water and air quality. As ecosystems crash, our reliable food sources, like seafood, will diminish in quality and availability. With climate change, it is expected that 50-70% of our human population will be exposed regularly to life-threatening heat events while storm severity increases and wildfires ravish wild and developed areas. Richly biodiverse ecosystems can buffer these extremes.