Make the Pledge

Save Your Health

Vehicle exhaust contains many pollutants that are linked to asthma, allergies, heart disease, stroke, increased risk of infections, cancer and premature births.

Air pollution hurts children the most. Their lungs are sensitive and still developing, and they breathe more rapidly and take in more air than adults. Vehicle exhaust can worsen breathing discomfort and symptoms of asthma. Asthma sends more children to the hospital than any other health problem and is a major cause of school absences.

Save Your Wallet

Turning your vehicle off in a carpool line or a parking lot can signifcantly reduce your gas consumption. Vehicles get ZERO miles-per-gallon while idling. Larger vehicles tend to waste more fuel than smaller ones. Idling can also cause greater engine wear-and-tear over time, resulting in higher maintenance costs. Overall, idling is as bad for your wallet as it is for your health.

Begin With The End In Mind

Our ultimate goal, as a volunteer organization, is simple: Promote a healthy breathing environment for our community.

To achieve this we intend:

  • To encourage behavior change through an awareness campaign #turnitofftogether

  • Rally 10% of our driving community to sign our Idling Reduction Pledge (that's 2500 people!)

  • Create 5 Voluntary Low Emission Zones in Holly Springs by 2023

  • Lobby our town government to enact clean air legislation for Holly Springs

photo credit: Bruna Saito from Pexels