Katherine M. Nelson

Hello, and a warm welcome to you, my new (or returning) artist, and to your family. There is not much more important than supportive friends and family when embarking on a new & exciting adventure. All of the fine arts require a brave spirit; to make true art is to push your limits and create something personally unique & new. There are never failures within the fine arts, only new experiences from which to learn.

My art studio is one of positive encouragement and respect from all members of the studio, to all members of the studio. Because of this, every artist should feel comfortable to experiment & truly grow in their love and skill as an artist. I am very excited to be a part of your experiences here at Eaton H.S.

I am usually in the studio during lunch, and I welcome students to come in and socialize and/or work on any projects that do not involve safety issues with food. If you would like to work either before or after school hours, please be sure to speak with me first so I can schedule one-on-one time if requested. I would not want you coming to the studio ready to work, while I am at a meeting!

Parents and guardians, I welcome meeting with you to discuss your student, discuss the art program, or just to say hi! Please feel free to contact me - I am fairly quick at returning email, so please contact me at knelson01@nisdtx.org.