Thinking about college?

Important factors to consider when looking for a fine arts college:

Curriculum: Make sure that the school you are considering has diverse programs, offers topics you are interested in, and keeps up with the ever changing artistic trends.

Facilities: Look into what the school offers, specifically for its students. Are there workshops and galleries displaying student work? Do they have the latest technology and tools you need?

Faculty: For the next couple of years you will be working hands on with professors who may even become a mentor to you. Research them to see what careers they have had, if they have won any awards, and if they have been published.

Location: Your new university will become your home for the next couple of years. Check if the school is in a big city or a small town, and what it is near if you decide to seek inspiration from what’s around.

Alumni: Not necessarily the most important factor, but schools are recognized for who have attended them in the past, as they get more attention from potential faculty, applicants, and the media.