Mentoring in Montgomery ~2023

Because everyone deserves an awesome mentor!

"Do I need a Mentor?"


Mission of M & M

To evaluate the youth leadership and mentoring programs in our area, identify and document best practices, and explore ways to strengthen community partnerships and collaboration for the benefit of our youth.

Our leadership group came together; produced questionnaires for students, teachers, school counselors and entrepreneurs in the area to see where the need is with students.  We needed to determine how we can support them as a community. We gathered the following information and put together a plan of action. 



Students 3-5 years

Student Receive Information

Teachers/Counselors Surveyed

Teachers/Counselors Projections

Teachers/Counselors Receive Information

Using ambassadors, community events, website, social media and personal interaction to bring mentors and mentees together, we hope to fill the void in our community with regards to youth and mentoring.