Site Analysis

Clarendon House, only 10% occupied, currently houses the Job Centre and is located at the junction of Western Way and Heavitree Road opposite St Sidwell's Point Leisure Centre.

The site is approximately 10 minutes’ walk from the University of Exeter's St Luke's Campus and is in close proximity to other purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA). 

The site is well served by public transport, with several bus stops within 200m of the site.  Its sustainable location, close to the university campuses and the busy city centre, will reduce student commute times and associated pressures on the transport network.

Site context

This brownfield site is considered ideal for PBSA, located close to the busy city centre and transport links. It has the potential to be a landmark location, marking the entrance to the city centre and creating a reference point to aid navigation.

The Site is located within the proximity of conservation areas and adjacent to two Grade II listed buildings. Extensive analysis has been undertaken which indicates that the proposed scheme would hold no unacceptable overall impact upon the setting of heritage assets.

Map showing current heritage and development context

Design Opportunities

View Analysis

Map showing view analysis of sixteen storey proposal


The image shows that within the area shaded in light blue you would have some visibility of the proposed 16 storey building . Therefore, it would not be visible from the key points of interest highlighted, but would be somewhat visible along key routes such as Heavitree Road and Paris Street.