Proposals for purpose-built student accommodation at Clarendon House


Zinc Real Estate is bringing forward proposals for purpose built student accommodation on the site of Clarendon House at the junction of Western Way and Heavitree Road in Exeter.

Subject to planning approval, this will involve demolition of the existing Clarendon House building, which is currently part-occupied by the Job Centre, and construction of a new mixed-use, student accommodation-led development.

Google map showing the location of Clarendon House

Location of the site (marked by red pin) 

The Site 

Clarendon House is an existing 5 storey building comprising partly occupied offices in the Newtown & St Leonard's Ward. It lies on Western Way roundabout, bounded by Western Way to the West, the Triangle car park to the East, Heavitree Road to the South and the Leonardo Hotel to the North.

The brownfield site is in a highly accessible location, and falls within the Eastgate Opportunity Local Plan Area. The area is seeing significant regeneration, with the new St Sidwell's Leisure Centre and Bus Station acting as catalysts.

The area is deemed to have further potential for redevelopment, with the Clarendon House site being considered to be ideal for purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA), given its proximity to the busy city centre and University campuses.

Zinc Real Estate's ambition is to create a landmark building, as well as deliver significant improvements to connectivity and public realm, and a community start-up space.

photograph showing aerial view of the Clarendon House site

Aerial view of the site

Public consultation

The team would like to consult with local residents, stakeholders and the wider public about its plans before submitting a full planning application to Exeter City Council early next year. 

The first round of public consultation is taking place from 7 to 31 December 2023.

Please use the links below to find out more.