Teachers & Staff

Welcome Teachers!

Your role as a teacher is critical to encouraging student attendance. This role requires you to:

Daily procedures


Email referral to: ckhsattendanceoffice@dekalbschoolsga.org 

CC: Grade Level Admin


Subject Line:  

Student Initials, Grade Level, skipping or tardies (example: ABC Grade 10 Skipping) 


Body (TOP): 

Student full name and Student number as it appears in Infinite Campus 


Body (MAIN): 

Include details surrounding incident and interventions used

Referrals will be addressed as indicated in the: Attendance Policy

Please allow 24-48 hours for response time.

Excessive absences

Email referral to ckhsattendanceoffice@dekalbschoolsga.org 

CC: Grade Level Admin


Subject Line:  

Student Initials Grade Level (example: ABC Grade 10) 


Body (TOP): 

Student full name and Student number as it appears in Infinite Campus 


Body (MAIN): 

Include date of teacher contact and other details (days absent, interventions used) 

Reporting an absence

To report an absence from work (partial or full days), staff members should complete the following steps:

Important: If you are requesting time off during critical day windows, you must complete the online form BUT submit a hard copy of your Statement of Leave form to Dr. Cunningham in the front office.