
The SWMP shall include, an education and outreach program designed to:

"Create stewardship opportunities that encourages community engagement in addressing the impacts from stormwater runoff". 

The City currently administers, participates in or promotes programs to encourage stewardship activities including the Make a Splash small grants and, the following stewardship opportunities available to volunteers throughout the City of Tacoma:


Adopt-A-Storm Drain (AAD) provides a free, year-round, physically distanced stewardship opportunity for residents by encouraging regular and sustained actions to prevent flooding and reduce runoff pollution by adopting storm drains/catch basins in their neighborhood and committing to keep them clear of leaves, trash, and other debris.  Participants use a web application to adopt and un-adopt catch basins in their area.  The web application allows users to track amount and type of debris collected and directs users to contact the TacomaFirst 311 hotline if an illicit discharge is discovered.  Increased awareness of catch basin condition and what is going down the drain provides a bridge to educating about several other BMPs aside from litter and debris disposal such as yard care protective or water quality, car washing, pet waste, proper use and disposal of household chemical/cleaners as well as facilitates the City’s source control efforts.


The AAD program was launched in Tacoma in August 2021.  The goal for the first year of AAD promotion was to acquire 100 adopters.  Through multimedia advertising and participation in a regional AAD campaign for Puget Sound, Tacoma was successful in acquiring 80 adopters with 199 drains adopted.  As of December 2023, Tacoma had 46 new drain adopters and 90 newly adopted drains.  Overall, Tacoma has 174 participants with over 395 drains adopted.  From the reported storm drain cleanings for 2023, over 1,637 pounds of debris have been removed from Tacoma’s stormwater system. 

Pet Waste Bag Stations Sponsorship Program 

In 2015, ES piloted a neighborhood Pet Waste Station Sponsorship Program.  Participants apply to sponsor a pet waste station, and ES provides the station and initial bag supplies.  The sponsors monitor station use and replace bags as needed.  The stations are available to residential neighborhoods as well as multi-family housing units.  In response to feedback about the cost to purchase replacement bags and after the City of Tacoma initiated the shopping bag ban, EPG now offers free replacement bag rolls to sponsors.

Information on proper management and disposal of pet waste is available on the City’s website and is included in the City’s publications and programming including social media, utility bill inserts, the EnviroTalk newsletter and environmental lessons by the EnviroChallengers.  The Dog mascot, “Scoopy Doo” and a “Poo Toss” game are also commonly seen at ES‑sponsored community and family fun events.

The City's EC Source Control group is helping to reinforce the program by recommending participation to multi-family properties and businesses when complaints are received for excessive pet waste on site.     

Make A Splash Grant Program

ES dedicates $50,000 each year to small stormwater-related grants for projects promoting surface water education, protection and restoration.  Grant applications are accepted from the general public during the month of May to coincide with Puget Sound Starts Here month and are awarded in July of each year.  Grants are designed for projects that have a strong stormwater pollution prevention message or provide a stormwater benefit.  Submitted projects must meet at least one of the program goals of education, surface water protection, or habitat restoration and tree planting.  Over 70 projects have been funded since 2013.  Several K12 educators who apply have requested one-time project funding an often rely on repeat funding to continue lessons or activities about the impacts of stormwater pollution on water quality and the health of the aquatic ecosystem.  For 2023 total of 8 projects were funded.  Funded projects include rain gardens with rain cisterns, public pollinator gardens, K-12 educational programming on salmon habitat protection and restoration, and critical area restoration.  These projects were completed by December 31st 2023. 

Sustainability Small Grant Program

Maximum awards of up to $5,000 are available to eligible sustainability projects within Tacoma city limits. Strong grant applications will demonstrate benefits that help protect and restore our local environment, implement sustainability practices, and/or keep our city clean, safe, and livable.


Applications that also benefit our local economy, support social equity, and address the causes or impacts of climate change will be given extra consideration. Projects that help educate residents and or businesses on the environment and sustainable practices are encouraged to apply. Collaboration with other groups, organizations, and agencies is not required but is highly encouraged. First-time applicants may also be given preference.

Open Space Stewardship

The City owns and stewards approximately 500 acres of open space properties for goals of healthy tree canopy, ecosystem function, and biodiversity.  The City holds a lead role in the Green Tacoma Partnership that collaborates with Washington Conservation Corp Crews, Metro Parks Tacoma, Pierce Conservation District ES dedicates $50,000 each year to small stormwater-related grants for projects promoting surface water education, protection and restoration.  Grant applications are accepted from the general public during the month of May to coincide with Puget Sound Starts Here month and are awarded in July of each year.  Grants are designed for projects that have a strong stormwater pollution prevention message or provide a stormwater benefit.  Submitted projects must meet at least one of the program goals of education, surface water protection, or habitat restoration and tree planting.  Over 70 projects have been funded since 2013.  Several K12 educators who apply have requested one-time project funding an often rely on repeat funding to continue lessons or activities about the impacts of stormwater pollution on water quality and the health of the aquatic ecosystem.  For 2023 total of 8 projects were funded.  Funded projects include rain gardens with rain cisterns, public pollinator gardens, K-12 educational programming on salmon habitat protection and restoration, and critical area restoration.  These projects were completed by December 31st 2023. 

Depave Program

Tacoma staff works with Pierce Conservation District to coordinate Depave (removal of hard surfaces like concrete and asphalt) events in public locations throughout Tacoma to promote reduction in impervious surfaces, increase stormwater filtration and increased green spaces.  In 2023, the Depave program helped community member remove over 10,000 square feet of pavement and compacted gravel and replace them with trees and plants including project sites in partnership with the Proctor Business District, McKinley Neighborhood Green Blocks Project, Grit City Trees Program, South End Neighborhood Council tree planting and placemaking project at E.72nd  and ‘D’ Street behind the Fred Meyers, and a couple of Pierce Conservation District Green Stormwater Mini-Grant projects, one at Bethlehem Baptist Church and another in the paved right of way adjacent to a private residence.

Catch Basin Marking Program

The City continues to partner with Communities for a Healthy Bay (CHB) to work with volunteers to label catch basins throughout the City The catch basin labels have a friendly reminder that stormwater goes directly into the nearest creek, stream or Commencement Bay and no pollutants should be dispose of in the stormwater system.  The City provides marking supplies and helps with program promotion.  CHB coordinates the volunteers and leads the marking events.  Locations of the curb markers are mapped and input into the City’s GIS system.  The program goal is to have every catch basin in Tacoma marked.

A new catch basin marking app was rolled out in 2020 to help reduce paper and create greater access to community groups wanting to partner with the City of Tacoma and CHB.  This stormwater catch basin marking app allows the public to identify catch basins that need to be marked anywhere in the City of Tacoma.  Due to COVID 19, less in person group events were possible in 2020 and 2021.  CHB developed several online video trainings for marking catch basins and using the new app and catch basin marking is continuing in smaller groups to follow COVID 19 guidelines for gatherings.  As COVID regulation began to lift in 2022, CHB was able to organize more volunteer catch basin marking events.  In 2023, The City and CHB will move away from using plastic drain makers and instead use drain stencil with eco-friendly paint.

Low Impact Development Rate Reduction Program

The City has implemented a Low Impact Development Surface Water Rate Reduction program.  Property owners may qualify for a surface water rate reduction if they choose to utilize permanent LID BMPs beyond what is required per the SWMM for development, redevelopment or as a retrofit for stormwater management.  Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC) 12.08D.250 outlines the program requirements.  In order to qualify for the LID surface water rate reduction, all BMPs must be permanent LID BMPs per the SWMM, as approved by the ES Department.

Private Stormwater Facility Maintenance 

This program assures property owners have access to their drawings and operation and maintenance instructions for privately owned stormwater facilities and provides technical assistance to homeowners and business owners, as requested.