General Awareness

The SWMP shall include an education and outreach program designed to:

 "Build general awareness about methods to address and reduce stormwater impacts". 

Summary of Program Component

This page contains links and information on the educational programming and events the City offers to the general public (including school age children and overburdened communities), and businesses (including home-based and mobile businesses).

"If it Hits the Ground, it Hits the Sound"


As part of the Environmental Services 2018-2025 Strategic Plan, the Marketing Initiative focused on the importance of the community understanding how stormwater in Tacoma flows directly into local waterways, mostly untreated. The team, recognizing the value of art in the Tacoma community, worked together to identify ways to communicate about the stormwater system through public artwork. The intention being to raise awareness of Tacoma’s stormwater system in new, exciting, engaging ways, hopefully resulting in increased environmental stewardship of the system itself. In 2021, a creative collaboration between the City’s Environmental Services & Arts Department staff, local nonprofit Spaceworks Tacoma, and multiple local artists resulted in the implementation of 2 storm drain murals, 5 vehicle wraps, and the creation of 7 unique storm drain stencils. The storm drain murals by Angela Larsen and duo Saiyare Refaei & Gloria Joy Kazuko Muhammad made such an impact they were featured in a Tacoma Weekly article and garnered a lot of engagement on social media platforms. There was a buzz throughout the community about these projects, with appreciation for both the art pieces and clarity of the stormwater messaging. 

2022 Reboot - Getting Stencils and More Murals on the Ground With the overwhelming support of storm drain murals from the community, the value of continuing this work was clear. The Office of Arts and Cultural Vitality brought on a consultant to further the “If it Hits the Ground, it Hits the Sound” projects - specifically stencil and mural installations. The contractor began inventorying storm drains near business districts that may be appropriate for stencils or murals, with a focus on prioritizing those in areas with Low & Very Low ratings on the Equity Index.  Environmental Services and the Office of Arts and Cultural Vitality staff worked to refine the storm drain stencil designs and materials for installation in the spring. The contractor engaged with City Traffic staff for placement guidance and developed a document for installation best practices. During the summer and early fall, 9 stencils were installed in collaboration with local events and engaged residents 

More Murals, More Impact -The contractor also worked with Environmental Services & Arts Department staff to implement 3 additional storm drain murals in the Oakland/Madrona, South End, and Tideflats/Dome neighborhoods in October 2022. Passersby often stopped to admire the work in progress, engaging in discussions around the stormwater system, the effectiveness of murals for spreading awareness, and the increase in neighborhood beauty along with a sense of place. The explosion of excitement around the project is evident in the number of “likes” seen on social media posts depicting these works and the associated message about stormwater.


EnviroChallengers Home Page

The City’s EnviroChallenger (EC) environmental education program continues to serve public, private, and home school communities within Tacoma.  Environmental educators visit Tacoma school classrooms to promote stormwater, wastewater, garbage and recycling messages to children each year.  The ECs also attend many community events throughout the year and help to communicate stormwater messages to adults as well. Click on the car to learn more about the EC's and book them for your classroom or community event.

Community events in 2023

A few of the events and tours we attended and conducted are: Welcome Back Salmon Days – Swan Creek, Salmon Homecoming, Kids Healthy and Safety Fair, Proctor Art Fest, Art on the Ave, Ocean Fest, Delong Summer, Mayor’s CUW tour,  and Charles Write EH tours.

Collaborations in 2023

The EnviroChallenger educators collaborate with local groups and nonprofit organizations for events and activities around Tacoma. The EnviroChallenger team worked with Pierce County and TPU to design virtual teacher clock-hour workshops. We also worked with the district to support their needs during this time and are working toward embedding our lessons into the district curriculum. We continued to work with the Health Department on an air quality lessons grant. Helped write EPA grant with solid waste, received a $2 million grant from U.S. EPA to further fund the Community Ambassador Program (formerly part of the Recycle Reset project). Presented at the North American Association of Environmental Educators (NAAEE) annual conference. 

High School Workforce Development 2023

The internship program in coordination with the Tacoma School District Next Move Program is allowing high school students to experience ES as well as City jobs. 2023 is our 8 year of our cohort model and we hosted 17 high school students. Our cohort model allowed for shared experiences while learning 21st-century skills. The high school summer certificate program is designed to engage and train students from historically underserved populations with skills needed to find jobs at the City’s ES department. The 14 participants earned CESCL, Flagger, OSHA, CPR, 6 sigma white belt, tree stewardship, as well as other vital job skills. The group participated in collection sampling, Chain of Custody documentation, and lab tests while touring ES buildings.

Puget Sound Starts Here Media Campaign - Don't Wait to Inflate!

The City is participating with neighboring cities and counties, Ecology and Puget Sound Partnership, in a regional stormwater education campaign called Puget Sound Starts Here (PSSH).  This campaign began in 2009, and has included a television advertising campaign, website and social media efforts.  The campaign’s purpose is to educate residents about how their daily actions affect surface water quality and empower them to make good choices throughout their day in order to keep pollution out of our local surface waters.  Puget Sound Starts Here is a regionally relevant, broadly distributed high impact awareness program that supports local efforts to elevate the region’s understanding of stormwater pollution impacts.  Where appropriate, the City co-brands its surface water BMP messages with the campaign to enhance its impact.  

For the 2023 campaign PSSH focus was proper inflation of vehicle tires to reduce the rate of tire wear.  Why do we want to reduce tire wear?  The rubber in your vehicle tires contains a chemical preservative (6PPDQ) that helps to prevent the tries from cracking.  Unfortunately, this chemical is deadly to salmon.  But wait!  How are tire particles getting to salmon?  If you have read this far, then you can probably guess.  These particles enter our waterways through stormwater runoff.  Want to learn more about 6PPDQ? Check out the information below.  Download it and share it with friends.  It's up to all of us to make the changes that help protect the salmon and other marine wildlife.           

Puget Sound Starts Here 2023 Media Campaign Achievements

The City of Tacoma contributed to the Puget Sound Starts Here regional awareness campaign, which collectively reached over 8.4 million total media impressions, covering our participating STORM consortium zip codes across digital and social media – including relevant local and national publishers to sensitive populations in 4 languages.

This year’s regional media campaign:

Delivered almost 64K website clicks through the paid media campaign to the website for tire care-specific information

Overall campaign performance saw over 44K users produce 52K engaged website sessions (page views) with a 94.42% engagement rate; meaning website users went to the website and actively engaged with the content based on the high engagement rate (Google defines engagement as a session that lasts longer than 10 seconds, has a conversion event, or at least 2 sessions/page views).

Saw that campaign optimizations over a longer period create more media efficiency opportunities, proving the case that lengthening the PSSH campaign creates paid media efficiencies for all our collective jurisdiction dollars.

Collectively, through our contribution funding, we achieved a greater reach and more significant media performances across the region. This not only increases our City’s reach but also helps us to further the cause locally.


ES partners with other City departments to run the EnviroHouse, a hands-on showcase of sustainable building and natural landscape ideas, materials and techniques for a healthy home and planet.  The EnviroHouse demonstrates rain barrels, native plants, rain gardens, pervious pavement, natural yard care techniques, “pin” foundations, and other stormwater-related best management practices in action.  Interpretive signage and educational materials are available regarding LID and natural yard care strategies.  Due to the worldwide pandemic, the EnviroHouse was closed to the visiting public beginning in early March 2020.  The EnviroHouse recently reopened to the public with reduced hours.  Free online workshops are offered throughout the year on a variety of sustainable practices and projects involving natural yard care techniques.  In addition to the online workshops, the EnviroHouse has a library of “How To” videos available on YouTube covering the topics mentioned above.

City of Tacoma Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Program

The ES/Solid Waste Management collects and properly disposes of large amounts of household hazardous waste from Tacoma residents at the Tacoma Recovery and Transfer Center.  This service is free of charge for residents in order to prevent hazardous materials from entering the stormwater system, surface waters, groundwater, or general garbage stream.  Solid Waste Management works to educate the public about the need for proper disposal and where hazardous wastes can be disposed of through ES publications and other communication tools including the Recycle Coach app. Special assistance is also offered to businesses through the business technical assistance program.

City of Tacoma Purple Bag Program

The Purple Bag Program was launched in 2021 by Environmental Services Natural Systems Management, in partnership with Neighborhood and Community Services, to provide regular waste pickup service at homeless encampments within the City.  The purple bags are distributed with ongoing outreach and resource services by our HEAL Team (Homeless Engagement Alternatives Liaison).  Waste management contractors regularly pick up the full bags that are placed on the edge of the roadway adjacent to the encampments.  The purple bags provide individuals experiencing homelessness with tools and services to keep their encampment area clean, so they can properly dispose of trash and contaminated objects to protect their health and downstream water quality. Currently, an average of 10,000 purple bags are distributed annually throughout the City.

City of Tacoma Open Space Management and Urban Forestry Programs

The Open Space Management Program promotes activities to protect existing green spaces and increase Tacoma’s tree cover.  The City sponsors a Tree Coupon Program in partnership with local nurseries, helps sponsor an annual Green Tacoma Day/Arbor Day celebration, and supports various other related educational opportunities to successfully plant and care for trees in their yards.  In 2023 over 3,000 trees were planted across Tacoma.  Increasing Tacoma's tree canopy helps to filter out pollutants from stormwater runoff as well as provide needed shade for all of us during the summer months.  

City of Tacoma Business Source Control Outreach

Information is presented to business owners and property managers during source control site visits required by Permit Section S5.C.8.  The intent is to make business owners and property managers more aware of the importance of regularly maintaining their onsite stormwater facilities and BMPs to help protect local waterways and reduce stormwater pollution.  Informational handouts for businesses including mobile painters, pressure washers, and carpet cleaners on how to properly dispose of their wastewater have been developed and are delivered when needed.  Businesses can also request to have their private catch basins marked and the City of Tacoma will supply resources.  Specific business-related messaging and outreach has been translated into five languages to increase accessibility by business owners and operators.

City of Tacoma Stormwater Media

City of Tacoma Website

This website ( includes information about Stormwater services and rates, the Permit, the City’s Annual Report, SWMM, permitting requirements, general BMPs to prevent stormwater pollution, Green Stormwater Infrastructure projects, standard plans for stormwater infrastructure including LID and GSI standards and other related topics.


ES distributes the EnviroTalk magazine three times a year to around 54,000 residents of single-family and duplex homes across the City. The magazine serves as an educational resource, conveying information about stormwater, wastewater, and solid waste messages, as well as detailing community activities and upcoming events.

Utility Bill Inserts

Stormwater messages are included throughout the year in the utility bill inserts sent to approximately 125,000 customers in the City.

TV Tacoma

TV Tacoma is an avenue to provide local viewing audiences with information including stormwater-related public service announcements, PSSH campaign advertisements, and more.

Urban Green is a TV Tacoma program to showcase the environmental and sustainable efforts around the City of Tacoma.  The program is available on TV Tacoma and online at  A new episode of Urban Green will air on TV Tacoma and the City’s website every two months and feature topics such as:

Tacoma Report is a TV Tacoma news program that airs every day and features information about City services and programs occasionally including surface water management topics.

Stormwater Manual listserv

This technical listserv informs interested parties about the City’s Stormwater Management Manual, updates to stormwater related policies and technical trainings.  Subscription is open to anyone and includes the general public, engineers, developers, City development staff and others.  The City’s stormwater page has a sign up for the listserv.

Tacoma EnviroNews Listserv

“Tacoma EnviroNews” is an automated electronic listserv that anyone can subscribe to and post messages related to environmental issues, stewardship events, and job or volunteer opportunities.  Tacoma’s Environmental Services sponsors for this listserv that promotes educational and stewardship opportunities within the greater Tacoma area.

City of Tacoma Event Participation and Sponsorship

Stormwater messages are promoted at a variety of community events.  Both the EnviroChallengers and Environmental Services staff are present at these events.  Environmental Programs group staff typically participate in four to six local community outreach events each year.  

South Sound Sustainability Expo

The Expo connects residents and businesses with services, products, companies, and agencies that address sustainability needs in our community.  The Expo is a free community event that brings together environmentally-minded community members in the South Sound.   In 2023, ES EPG staff partnered with the EnviroChallengers to host a booth and provide messaging on stormwater pollution prevention education.

Green Tacoma Day

Green Tacoma Day is an annual celebration of the Green Tacoma Partnership’s work to restore 1,881 acres of urban green space, while Arbor Day celebrates the planting, growing, and caring of Tacoma’s trees.  This day of service offers great opportunities for the Tacoma community to get to know each other and their local green spaces.  All are welcome and no experience is necessary.  Each year, ES EPG provides funds to sponsor Green Tacoma Day. 

Tacoma Ocean Fest

Tacoma Ocean Fest is a free, one-day festival in Tacoma, Washington that gathers the community to celebrate the ocean, learn about its threats and protect it. We're a unique mixture of arts, sciences and water fun.   In 2023 City EPG staff collaborated with the Envirochallengers staff to host an eco-booth at Tacoma Ocean Fest.  Together, Tacoma staff provided messaging on the impacts of litter and pet waste pollution on stormwater.  Over 2000 visitors were reported at the event.

Welcome Back Salmon Days - Swan Creek

The Swan Creek Salmon Challenge is a 2-week-long celebration of the return of salmon to Swan Creek and surrounding rivers.  ES EPG staff teamed up with the EnviroChallengers to host a booth at Salmon Saturdays at Swan Creek.  Messaging and interactive lessons were provided on importance of preventing stormwater pollution and role stormwater pollution plays in salmon health and vitality.

Northwest Environmental Business Council (NEBC) - Managing Stormwater in Washington Conference

In 2023, The City sponsored the virtual NEBC: Managing Stormwater in the Northwest conference.  The City hosted a table which contained stormwater messaging and resources that attendees could download.  The audiences at this conference were private industry and consultants, regulatory community and implementers of stormwater regulations.  The key messages promoted at the conference were technical standards for stormwater site and erosion control plans, LID principles and LID BMPs and stormwater treatment and flow control BMPs/facilities.