Department Compliance Plans

The City of Tacoma maintains a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase I Municipal Stormwater Permit (Permit).  This Permit allows the City of Tacoma to discharge stormwater to receiving waterbodies.  The City is required by the Washington State Department of Ecology to maintain this Permit.  Nearly every department within the City of Tacoma plays a role in Permit implementation. 

Starting in 2020, Tacoma determined it would be helpful to create specific Coordination Plans for each department that owns or operates sites with stormwater facilities.  These plans are intended to clarify Permit requirements for departments that may not be as familiar with the Permit.  The majority of Coordination Plans were completed in 2022.  Additional Coordination Plans are to be completed.

Each coordination plan describes the Permit sections that are most relevant to that department, how the department play a role in those Permit sections and describes when enhancements may be necessary to ensure Permit compliance.  This information is meant to evolve over time and to be a tool to aid in internal coordination.  Department specific plans are available for the groups in the table below.

If you do not see a Compliance and Coordination Plan for your department or have questions about your group's role in Permit implementation please email

(A template for creating a department compliance plan is provided below)