
Register For CIST 2021

CIST 2021 is currently planned as a hybrid conference. Attendees can be in-person or remote. Presenters should attend in person, but exceptions can be made for those who are unable to travel. Although, we anticipate mass vaccination in the united states and a return to relative normalcy by the time of the conference, we will be closely monitoring the public health situation in the US and abroad and re-assess the feasibility of an in-person conference in the fall.

Registration Fees

This year, we are answering the call by the community to hold CIST independently of INFORMS. As a result, CIST attendees will not need to register for the INFORMS Annual Meeting to attend CIST. CIST registration can be completed at the following LINK.

We are working hard to make sure that CIST is accessible financially while also maintaining the high quality of the conference we are all accustomed to. Registration fees (for all participants) for CIST 2021 are as follows:

      • Faculty Early Registration: $425 (increases to $575 after August 20th)

      • Student Early Registration: $275 (increases to $325 after August 20th)

It's very important that we continue to sign up as members of the ISS society (this used to be bundled with CIST registration). You can do so at this LINK.