XVIII Summer School in Philosophy of Physics

“Einstein Philosopher-Scientist.

A celebration for 100 years of General Theory of Relativity”

Cesena, Centro Culturale San Biagio, via Aldini, 24

Urbino, Palazzo Albani, via Timoteo Viti, 10

7th-12th September 2015

Call for Participation (Extended Deadline)

Due to numerous requests we are glad to extend the deadline for participation to the XVIII International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics to be held in Cesena-Urbino 7th-12th September 2014.

The topic of the school is “Einstein Philosopher-Scientist” and will, among other things, celebrate 100 years of General Theory of Relativity. It will feature morning lectures (in English) given by Prof. D. Howard (Notre Dame University) and Prof. H. Brown (Oxford University) and afternoon seminars given by M. Dorato (University of Rome 3), F. Laudisa (University of Milano-Bicocca). The final lecture will be given by Prof. Silvio Bergia (University of Bologna).

Attendance to the school is free of charge. It will host a limited number of students, graduate students and early researchers depending on a successful application.

Application should include:

1) A CV

2) A cover letter

And should be sent to: cirfis.scuolaestiva@gmail.com

No later than 2nd August.

The subject line should be “Participation. XVIII summer school in philosophy of physics”

Notification of acceptance is expected no later than 9th of August.

Call for Papers

The XVIII Summer School in Philosophy of Physics will dedicate its last session (September,11th) to the presentation of original papers in philosophy of physics. We invite Grad students, Post-Graduate students and early researchers alike to submit an abstract (no longer than 1000 words) suitable for blind review to:


No later than 2nd August.

Preference will be given to papers dealing with different aspects of Einstein’s work.

The subject line should read: Submission XVIII Summer School in philosophy of physics”.

Papers should be sent as a pdf file together with a title page containing info about the author(s).

Notification of acceptance is expected no later than 15th August.


7th September

16.00-16.30 Introduction to the School and Presentation of the Seminars

16.30-18.30 Inaugural Lecture

F. A. Muller (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

The Einstein Phenomenon

8th September

9.00-11.00 H. Brown (Oxford University)

Einstein Spacetime Physicist, Part I.

11.30 -13.30 D. Howard (University of Notre-Dame)

Einstein Philosopher of Science, Part I.

15.30 – 16.50 F. Laudisa (Bicocca University, Milan)

Albert Einstein and John S. Bell: a complex relationship

17.30-18.30 Presentations of the books:

Laudisa, F. 2015, Albert Einstein e l'Immagine Scientifica del Mondo, Carocci: Roma

Howard, D. 2015, Anche Einstein Gioca a Dadi, Carocci: Roma

Participants: D. Howard (University of Notre-Dame), F. Laudisa (University of Milano Bicocca), V. Fano (University of Urbino)

9th September

9.00-11.00 H. Brown (Oxford University)

Einstein Spacetime Physicist, Part II.

11.30 -13.30 D. Howard (University of Notre-Dame)

Einstein Philosopher of Science, Part II.

15.30 – 16.50 M. Dorato (University of Rome3)

Einstein and the illusion of the now

10th September

9.00-11.00 H. Brown (Oxford University)

Einstein Spacetime Physicist, Part III.

11.30 -13.30 D. Howard (University of Notre-Dame)

Einstein Philosopher of Science, Part III.

15.30- 17.30 Final Lecture

S. Bergia (University of Bologna)

Einstein philosopher-scientist: a celebration for 100 years of General Theory of Relativity

11th September

9.00-11.00 H. Brown (Oxford University)

Einstein Spacetime Physicist, Part IV.

11.30 -13.30 D. Howard (University of Notre-Dame)

Einstein Philosopher of Science, Part IV.

Postgraduate conference

15.00-15.45 Pablo Acuña Luongo (Instituto de Filosofía Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso)

The Direction of the Arrow of Explanation between Kinematics and Dynamics in Special Relativity: a critical appraisal of the Janssen-Brown debate

15.45-16.30 Riccardo Pinosio (FNWI, ILLC University of Amsterdam)

On the Role of the Continuum in Relativity Theory

16.45-17.30 Stefano Bordoni (University of Bologna)

Symmetry, invariance, and equivalence in Einstein's papers from 1905 onwards

100 Years from General Relativity

Urbino, 12th September 2015

A one-day International Workshop focusing on the celebration of 100 years of General Relativity.


11.00-11.45 H. Brown (Oxford University)

11.45-12.00 Discussion

12.00-12.15 Coffee Break

12.15-13.00 V. Fano (University of Urbino)

13.13.15 Discussion

13.15-15-15 Lunch Break

15.15-16.00 G. Macchia (University of Urbino)

16.00-16.15 Discussion

16.15-16.30 Coffee Break

16.30-17.15 D. Howard (University of Notre-Dame)

17.15-17.30 Discussion

17.30 – 18.00 General Discussion and Closing Remarks


How to reach Cesena

Where to sleep in Cesena

How to reach Urbino

Where to sleep in Urbino

Bus express from Pesaro (Central Station) to Urbino (Borgo Mercatale)

Cesena Free Wi-fi

For further info please write to:


