Geometry and Physics

XVII International Summer School in Philosophy of Physics

Geometry and Physics

15-19 September 2014

Cesena (FC), Centro Culturale S. Biagio, via Aldini 24

This is the XVII edition of the summer school in philosophy of physics that each year tackles foundational questions that lie at the border between physics and philosophy. This year the topic is “Geometry and Physics”. The school will address questions such as: does geometry tell matter how to move? Does matter tell space which geometry it should take? Does geometry tell us that the distinction between past, present and future is but a persistent illusion? Or even: is the universe pure geometry, basically a beautiful shape twisting around and dancing over spacetime?

The school is directed to PhD students, post-docs, researchers and professors alike, but more in general to anyone who is interested in topics in the foundations of physics, and sees the participation of leading scholars in the field.

15th September

16.00 - 17.00 Introduction to the school and Presentation of the seminars

17.00 - 18.30 Carlo Pedretti, University of California

Geometria e Meccanica nell’opera di Leonardo

16th September

9.00 - 11.00 Dennis Dieks, Utrecht University

Physical geometry from Euclid to Einstein, Part I

11.30 - 13.30 Dennis Dieks, Utrecht University

Physical geometry from Euclid to Einstein, Part II

15.30 – 16.50 Giovanni Macchia, University of Urbino

Geometria e Universi

17th September

9.00 - 11.00 Fred A. Muller, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University

Geometry and Ontology of Physics, Part I

11.30 - 13.30 Fred A. Muller, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University

Geometry and Ontology of Physics, Part II

15.30 – 16.50 Nino Zanghì, University of Genoa

La fisica in tre parole: spazio, materia e movimento

18th September

9.00 - 11.00 Dennis Dieks, Utrecht University

Physical geometry from Euclid to Einstein, Part III

11.30 - 13.30 Fred A. Muller, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University

Geometry and Ontology of Physics, Part III

15.30 - 17.30 Vincenzo Fano, University of Urbino

Representation through geometrical spaces in field theories and quantum mechanics

19th September

9.00 - 10.30 Dennis Dieks, Utrecht University

Physical geometry from Euclid to Einstein, Part IV

11.00 - 12.30 Fred A. Muller, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Utrecht University

Geometry and Ontology of Physics, Part IV

Postgraduate conference

15:00 - 15:40 F. Zalamea, University of Paris Diderot,

Physical States as Representations of Geometry

15:40 - 16:20 J. Doboszewski, Jagellonian University Cracow,

Conditions for Physically Reasonable Spacetimes in General Relativity: the Case of Anti De Sitter Spacetime

16:40 - 17:20 S. Bordoni, University of Bologna,

Physical Spaces for Classical Electromagnetism and Thermodynamics

CIRFIS Directive Council

Gino Tarozzi (Director), Vincenzo Fano and Isabella Tassani (Secretary), University of Urbino; Fabrizio Bonoli and Barbara Pecori, University of Bologna; Fabio Minazzi and Ugo Moschella, University of Insubria; Mario Castellana and Arcangelo Rossi, University of Salento; Franco Pollini, Municipality of Cesena.


Claudio Calosi (University of Urbino and Pierluigi Graziani (University of Chieti-Pescara,


Giovanni Macchia (University of Urbino), Email:


Dr. Franco Pollini, or Cesena Official Tourist Information Email:

How to reach Cesena

Where to sleep in Cesena