Solving Linear Equations

Authors: Mary Losito (OCM Boces) and Caitlin Colburn (Pittsford Mendon HS)

Files available for download:

Author notes regarding this module release:

  • This module has been classroom tested
  • This module was introduced at the Rochester Math Teachers' Circle on February 28, 2019
  • This module will also be introduced at the Buffalo Math Teachers' Circle on May 9, 2019
  • Updates will appear at this site.

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Great! Please do the following:

  1. If you have any questions or would like the source for the module, please contact the author(s).
  2. Please let us know you're using it by sending an e-mail to .
  3. As you use the module, please fill out this short survey to let us know how it went so that it can be (possibly) improved.


That's too bad. If there is anything you think can make this module more attractive for use in your classroom, let us know by sending an e-mail to .