100% Peace: 100 Film Initiative


Cinema for Peace Project

100% Peace: 100 Film Initiative
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2024


Cinema for Peace Project
100% Peace: 100 Film Initiative

The 100% PEACE FILM, consisting of a total of 100 films, invites you to join the project.

100 one-minute films will be edited together in a specific composition to create a 100-minute feature film. The films will be shown at international film festivals, digital platforms, television channels, and cinema theaters on big screens.

The 100% PEACE FILM project, organized by independent, voluntary and free peace advocators, is waiting for your 1-minute films on the theme of PEACE to bring together with the audience.

This project is not supported by any capital group, it has no funding or sponsorship connections, and is carried out entirely within the framework of solidarity relationships.

Who can participate in this project?

Two separate 100-minute films are envisioned for this project, both on a national and international level.
Filmmakers from Turkey can participate in the international project if they wish.

Each director can participate in the project with a 1-minute animation, experimental, fiction, documentary, video art, or stop-motion film on the theme of PEACE.
The project is open to everyone without any prerequisites or discrimination.
The films submitted to the project will be evaluated by the jury both technically and in terms of content and subject matter.
Directors can submit multiple films for the project.
Since the films will be shown at international film festivals, digital platforms, television channels, and cinema theaters on big screens, they must be delivered in 4K resolution.
Short segments of the films may be used in trailers, promotional videos, and broadcast on digital platforms, television channels, and social media.
Directors are responsible for the copyright of found footage and music used in the films.
Every director submitting a film to the project is considered to have embraced the general principles of the project.

Applications will be made through https://www.filmfreeway/barisicinsinema.
There is no fee for projects participating in the national competition; a fee of 5 dollars will be charged for international competition participation.

Sample Movies

You can gain an understanding by watching films submitted to the previous project.

Applications Address

Applications will be made through https://www.filmfreeway/barisicinsinema.