CIM19 - Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology

"Embodiment in Music"

Graz, 26-28 September 2019

JIMS Special Issue

As mentioned during the conference, the next special issue of the Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies will be centred on the theme “Embodiment in Music”, a topic which allows our participants to elaborate on their work and submit it to a peer-reviewed, open access journal (without paying any fee). We hope that you would agree that the conference generated opportunities to advance our individual and collective knowledge of this field - it is our wish that this special issue can provide a focal point for both attendees and the wider music research community. You are all invited to send us your manuscript for consideration. Please read the guidelines for submissions and send your submission via email to Andrea Schiavio and Nikki Moran - the editors of this special issue. The deadline is January the 30th, 2020 - now extended till the 29th of February 2020.

All links to the livestreams have been sent

Please do get in touch if you haven't receive this info via email yet.

If you watch a talk remotely, please ask any question in the YouTube comments section: we will read your question to the speaker.

If you are to deliver a remote talk, please send us your phone number to have a safe backup in case of loss of internet connection.

The Book of Abstracts is online

The final version of the book of abstracts can be found here.

The book of abstracts will also be distributed to all participants during the conference.

Sign up for the Virtual Socialising event!

Join us from everywhere in the world for an informal conversation (either individually or in small groups). Just like a coffee break, you will be able to talk about everything you want with delegates who are in Graz.

Friday 27th at 5.45 pm

Please send us the signed legal notice

If you participate in the conference remotely, please return the signed legal notice sent in previous correspondence to all delegates.

The conference programme is online

The final of the conference programme can be found here .

The final version will be distributed to all participants during the conference, and made available to everyone who attend remotely.

Registration opens on the 1st of May

Registration opens on the 1st of May (in the evening) and closes on the 31st of July (in the evening). You can register here:

The review process is done

In the first week of April we will finalise the evaluations and inform all applicants about the results. Special thanks to our great reviewing committee!

The deadline for abstract submission is extended until the 10th of February!

CIM19 will take place at the University of Graz (Austria) from the 26th to the 28th of September 2019

CIM19 aims to foster collaborations between humanities and the sciences on the theme: "Embodiment in Music"